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WELCOME! Continue reading Frankenstein through Chapter 14.

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1 WELCOME! Continue reading Frankenstein through Chapter 14.
thursday, 02 november 2017 AP Literature and Composition Mr. sanders TODAY’S OBJECTIVE: STUDENTS WILL INCREASE VOCABULARY WITH NEW WORDS AND MEANINGS.

2 Frankenstein Chapter 11 questions.
01. What does the creature remember of his earliest days? How does he seem to be learning things? How well can the creature speak at this point of his existence? How does the creature respond to his discovery of the fire? Why does he move? What happens during his first encounters with people? Is this more like what you expect from a horror story? But from whose point of view do we see these encounters? Where does he finally find a place to stay? What does he learn about the people who live in the cottage? How does he feel toward them?

3 Frankenstein After reading Chapters 12 – 14:
On a sheet of paper, respond to this prompt. Response should be one full page. Many characters in Frankenstein feel the sense of “otherness” or being different from everyone else. The monster, whose solitude stems from being the only creature of his kind in existence and from being shunned by humanity, senses this quality of being different most powerfully. His deformity, his ability to survive extreme conditions, and the grotesque circumstances of his creation all serve to mark him as the ultimate outsider. Victor, too, is an outsider, as his awful secret separates him from friends, family, and the rest of society.  Write about a time when you encountered “otherness”. Perhaps you felt different from everyone else around you. Or maybe you met someone who seemed very different from yourself and your friends. How did you respond?

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