Presented by Your Name Here

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Your Name Here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Your Name Here
The Survival Guide for Finding Lasting Love Conscious Dating Presented by Your Name Here

2 Preparing for the Journey
Do you want to find your soul mate but are perplexed about how to succeed? Conscious Dating provides a map to help you find your true love, so you go where you are meant to be. In Conscious Dating, you will discover how to avoid the many pitfalls and traps that can hold you back in your journey. INTRO

3 Know Who You Are and What You Want!
PREPARATION Like an iceberg, we are typically aware only of the tip, while our success and happiness depends upon what lies below the surface.

4 Learn how to get what you want!
Assess the information, tools, and skills you will need and acquire them. Develop creative strategies and action plans. "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail." PREPARATION

5 Be the "Chooser"! PREPARATION
Take initiative and responsibility for your outcomes. Don’t react to what, or who, chooses you. Seek to create what you want in your life. PREPARATION

6 Balance your heart with your head!
Make your relationship choices consciously. Don’t let your body’s chemistry take control. Think about your needs. It’s still exciting! PREPARATION

7 PREPARATION Be ready and available for commitment!
Live your life and bring your dating strategy into alignment with how ready you really are for a committed relationship. PREPARATION

8 Use the “Law of Attraction”
Be the partner that you are seeking. Attract the partner that you want by developing yourself and living the life that you want. "If you build it, they will come." PREPARATION

9 Gain relationship knowledge and skills!
Learn about relationships Improve your relationship skills Deepen your relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues. Date for fun and practice. Take more emotional risks PREPARATION

10 Create a support community!
Isolated singles become lonely in their relationships when they focus on a partner to meet all their social and emotional needs. PREPARATION

11 Practice assertiveness!
To get what you really want, you need to say "No" to what you don’t want. PREPARATION

12 Be a "Successful Single"! PREPARATION
Don’t put your life on hold waiting for a relationship. Live your life vision and purpose The best way to find your life partner is to be a happy, successful single person living the life that you really want. PREPARATION

13 Watch Out For Dating Traps!

14 Marketing Trap Trying to attract a partner by making yourself more appealing, believing you have to sell yourself because nobody would want you as you really are.

15 Packaging Trap DATING TRAPS
The opposite of the Marketing Trap. Instead of seeking to sell yourself with attractive packaging, you focus on the packaging of others, such as age, body type, weight, income, etc. DATING TRAPS

16 Scarcity Trap DATING TRAPS
Believing there is a limited supply of possible partners so you have to take what you can get or be alone. DATING TRAPS

17 Compatibility Trap DATING TRAPS
Believing that if you’re having fun with someone and getting along well, then you’re compatible and a committed relationship will work. DATING TRAPS

18 Fairytale Trap DATING TRAPS
This is passively expecting your ideal partner to magically appear so that you can live happily ever after without effort on your part. Believing that finding your soul mate will just "happen." DATING TRAPS

19 Date-to-Mate Trap DATING TRAPS
Becoming an instant couple with everybody you date, as if you’re giving the relationship a test drive. Assuming that by becoming a couple and trying out the relationship that a successful committed relationship will happen. DATING TRAPS

20 Attraction Trap DATING TRAPS
Making your choices based solely on feelings of attraction. You interpret a strong attraction to someone as a sign that this relationship is a good choice and is meant to be. DATING TRAPS

21 Love Trap Interpreting infatuation, attraction, need, good sex, or emotional attachment as love. DATING TRAPS

22 Sex Trap Prioritizing physical intimacy and regarding everything else as optional. Your main criterion for a relationship is sexual attraction and physical compatibility. You become a couple as soon as you have sex. DATING TRAPS

23 Rescue Trap DATING TRAPS
Hoping that a relationship will solve your emotional and financial problems and bring you happiness and fulfillment; like winning the lottery. DATING TRAPS

24 Co-Dependent Trap DATING TRAPS
You expect someone will love you and give you what you want by giving the other person what they want. You pursue relationships because you feel incomplete when you’re not in one. DATING TRAPS

25 Entitlement Trap DATING TRAPS
Your attitude toward your partner is "What can you do for me?" "Make me feel good." "Make me happy." DATING TRAPS

26 Virtual Reality Trap DATING TRAPS
Believe that "what you see is what you get" and seeing what you want to see instead of using actual experience and knowledge to make long-term relationship choices. DATING TRAPS

27 Lone Ranger Trap DATING TRAPS
You are focused on your goal of finding a partner and believe that the other relationships in your life are less important. Then, you feel isolated and believe that there’s a scarcity of potential partners. DATING TRAPS

28 Conscious Dating Your Name Here
The treasured love you seek awaits you. You have to know yourself. Know what to look for… and be willing to be patient and persistent. Conscious Dating Your Name Here

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