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Health & Safety Hazards

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Presentation on theme: "Health & Safety Hazards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health & Safety Hazards

2 Health & Safety Hazards
A hazard is something which could cause an accident. Name the hazards in this picture

3 Health & Safety Physical Hazards
Something physical in the environment that could cause an accident eg a puddle of water. Name other physical hazards

4 Health & Safety Working Practice Hazard
Something you do in your job that could cause you harm or cause an accident, eg working on a line in a factory could cause repetitive strain injury. Name other working practice hazards in health and social care environments

5 Health & Safety Incident Hazards
Incident Hazard – something about your environment which means a dangerous incident could occur, eg a police officer may be assaulted because some people dislike the police. Name incident hazards at college. What incidents could occur specifically in a college? Name incident hazards in health and social care environments Foster home, nursing home, Violence to nhs staff is common

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