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Presentation on theme: "BREAKOUT LEADERSHIP."— Presentation transcript:






At least 26 conversions per year.

At least 26 conversions per year. A conversion ratio no higher than 20:1 (How many members does it take to reach one person in a year?)

The church had been experiencing STAGNATION prior to breakout and had experienced sustained growth since breakout.

The slump, reversal and breakout all took place under the SAME pastor—These weren’t stories of changing leaders—they were stories of changed leadership.

10 It always starts with leadership

11 It always starts with leadership
Collins’ “Level 5 Leadership”:

12 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:

13 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 1—The CALLED leader.

14 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 1—The CALLED leader. Ministry is more than a JOB, there is a clear sense of call.

15 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 1—The CALLED leader. Ministry is more than a JOB, there is a clear sense of call. 98% of pastors have attained this level.

16 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 2—The CONTRIBUTING leader.

17 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 2—The CONTRIBUTING leader. Commits adequate time and energy to do ministry BASICS well (preaching, prayer, etc.).

18 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 2—The CONTRIBUTING leader. Commits adequate time and energy to do ministry BASICS well (preaching, prayer, etc.). 22% of pastors have attained this level.

19 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 3—The OUTWARDLY-FOCUSED leader.

20 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 3—The OUTWARDLY-FOCUSED leader. Consistently and persistently leads the church to minister BEYOND the walls of the church.

21 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 3—The OUTWARDLY-FOCUSED leader. Consistently and persistently leads the church to minister BEYOND the walls of the church.. 14% of pastors have attained this level.

22 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 4—The PASSIONATE leader.

23 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 4—The PASSIONATE leader. They exude OBVIOUS love and energy for people and ministry.

24 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
This is not a PERSONALITY trait; passion can be seen in both extroverted and introverted leaders.

25 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
This is not a PERSONALITY trait; passion can be seen in both extroverted and introverted leaders. 6% of pastors have attained this level.

26 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 5—The BOLD leader.

27 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 5—The BOLD leader. Is willing to make the TOUGH CALLS that few other leaders will make.

28 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Takes risks where success is possible only with GOD’S power.

29 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Takes risks where success is possible only with GOD’S power. 3% of pastors have attained this level.

30 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 6/7—The LEGACY leader.

31 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Acts 6/7—The LEGACY leader. Have all the ATTRIBUTES of the previous stages, plus…

32 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
A burden for ministry to continue BEYOND their lifetime.

33 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
A burden for ministry to continue BEYOND their lifetime. Humility: quick to give others CREDIT for successes and accept RESPONSIBILTY for failures.

34 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Makes decisions that will benefit the church AFTER they are gone.

35 Rainer’s “Acts 6/7 Leader”:
Makes decisions that will benefit the church AFTER they are gone. Less than 1% of pastors have attained this level.

36 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:

37 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
SLOW progress is fine. Two extremes in the comparison churches:

38 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
SLOW progress is fine. Two extremes in the comparison churches: The PEACEMAKERS; maintained status quo to avoid conflict.

39 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
SLOW progress is fine. Two extremes in the comparison churches: The PEACEMAKERS; maintained status quo to avoid conflict. “My way or the HIGHWAY”; if you can’t get on board with the vision, find another church.

40 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
Breakout leaders moved patiently, but PERSISTENTLY toward their goals.

41 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
They tended to be more THIN -skinned than THICK—skinned.

42 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
They tended to be more THIN -skinned than THICK—skinned. Criticisms did not just roll off of them—it hurt them deeply, but they PERSEVERED.

43 Some Unique and Encouraging Commonalities in Breakout Leaders:
Many breakout leaders are RELUCTANT leaders—have a lack of desire to “climb the ladder.”

44 Tabletalk: How do you respond to the percentages that Rainer assigns to each leadership level? Too high? Too low? About right? Talk about finding the balance between peacemaker mode and “my way or the highway.” Do you tend to err in one direction or the other?

45 Eight Keys to Becoming a Breakout Leader:

46 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Fierce Biblical FAITHFULNESS.

47 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Fierce Biblical FAITHFULNESS. Faithfulness to the Bible drives an evangelistic urgency that leads to intentional ministry to the COMMUNITY -they don’t wait for the community to come to them.

48 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: TENURE—breakout leaders have a long-term view of ministry.

49 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: TENURE—breakout leaders have a long-term view of ministry. They realize that it often takes TIME to reverse unhealthy structures and build a healthy culture.

50 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Confident HUMILITY.

51 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Confident HUMILITY. All leaders, from the ACTS 4 level and up, showed confidence in their leadership ability.

52 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: The difference is that Acts 6/7 leaders centered their confidence more on what GOD was doing and less on their own abilities.

53 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY.

54 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY. Acts 6/7 leaders simply do not make EXCUSES; they don’t blame people or circumstances and they see possibilities even in difficult situations.

55 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Unconditional LOVE of the people.

56 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Unconditional LOVE of the people. Breakout leadership views even difficult members, not as the ENEMY but as part of the FLOCK.

57 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: PERSISTENCE.

58 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: PERSISTENCE. Because these leaders have a long- term view, they are able to lead change INCREMENTALLY.

59 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Persistence is more than TENURE; it includes the fulfillment of goals, regardless of how long it takes.

60 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Outwardly-focused VISION.

61 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: Outwardly-focused VISION. The focus is MORE on those who are not yet in the church and LESS on those already in the church.

62 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: A desire for a lasting LEGACY.

63 Eight Keys to Becoming a
Breakout Leader: A desire for a lasting LEGACY. The ambition of these leaders goes beyond personal SUCCESS; they desire to build a church that will thrive long AFTER they are gone.

64 Tabletalk: We’re Wesleyans; one of our cornerstones is Biblical faithfulness. Can we really claim to be faithful to the scriptures if we aren’t intentionally evangelistic? Is “confident humility” a contradiction?

65 Made or Born?

66 Made or Born? GOOD NEWS: While breakout leadership may come more easily to some than to others, these characteristics can be LEARNED and HONED.

67 Made or Born? Remember, these weren’t stories of CHANGING leaders, these were stories of CHANGED leadership.

Which level of leadership best describes where I am as a leader?

Which level of leadership best describes where I am as a leader? Am I willing to commit myself to pay the price to move up just one leadership level?


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