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Study of the Lubricant Additives Using Electrochemical Techniques

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1 Study of the Lubricant Additives Using Electrochemical Techniques
Xiaoyin Xu, Hugh Spikes and Nigel Brandon Department of Mechanical Engineering Imperial College London

2 What is Electrochemistry?
Electrochemistry is the study of chemical reactions which occur due to electron transfer at an interface.

3 Electrochemical techniques can be used
to measure the effective concentration of solutes in solution. to study redox processes at solid surfaces, and thus investigate reaction mechanisms

4 Aims of the research work
measure the effective concentration of additives in oils study lubricant additive reactions on metals (c) study the effect of applied potential on friction/wear

5 WE RE CE Potentiostat CE WE Electromagnetic vibrator RE Insulator Combination of potentiostat and HFRR to study the influence of applied potential on friction

6 Test conditions for HFR rig

7 ioct-ZDTP (isooctyl Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate)
ZDTP used in this study R: (CH2)5CH(CH3)2 ioct-ZDTP (isooctyl Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate)

8 Cyclic voltammogram of isooct-ZDTP in 0.8M LiClO4 DEA
Study of Boundary Lubricating Additives using Electrochemical Techniques -1.00E-09 2.00E-09 5.00E-09 8.00E-09 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 potential vs Pt (V) Current (A) with 1% ZDDP Cyclic voltammogram of isooct-ZDTP in 0.8M LiClO4 DEA (scan rate: 100mv/s) (3) Xu, X, Brandon, N., Spikes, H.,Presentation on 28th Leeds-Lyon symposium on Tribology, Sep. 2-7, 2001

9 0.5 without ZDTP 0.4 wear scar of ball/mm 0.3 0.2 0.1 with 1% ZDTP -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 potential vs Pt (V) Effect of electrode potential on the ball’s wear scar in 0.8M LiClO4 DEA

10 Possible dimerisation of ZDTP at positive potential:
[(RO)2PS2]2Zn  Zn2+ + [(RO)2PS2]2 + 2e-

11 Similar work is taking place using hexadecane
Effect of electrode potential on wear scar of ball in hexadecane with 0.01M TDDATPh-FB as electrolytes with and without 1% wt.ZDTP

12 Electrode current at different potential during HFR test with 1% wt
Electrode current at different potential during HFR test with 1% wt. ZDDP in hexadecane at 60oC

13 Conclusions High frequency reciprocating tests have shown that ZDDP is effective in reducing wear only under oxidising conditions. At positive potential (> 0.8V), ZDTP is oxidised to disulphide [(RO)2PS2]2, which may adsorb on electrode surfaces to produce a protective layer.

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