EST102: 09/10/17: Indicative Contract Award.

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1 EST102: 09/10/17: Indicative Contract Award.
EST102 & EST103 Estates Capital System Procurement & Implementation Project Report 29/09/17 R A G Project Sponsor & Business Lead : Anna Stamp & Jane Johnston Business Project Manager: Jane Cameron IS Estates Programme Manager: Derrick Matheson IS Project Manager & BA: Lyn Thomson ACHIEVEMENTS EST102: ITT Issued 27th July. EST102: Technical question sets feedback to Dave Berry for continuous improvement of the standard question sets. EST103: WIS approval received 25/08/17. EST102: 12/09/17: Vendor demonstrations completed and scored. EST102: 29/10/17: All scoring complete for IS question sets and consensus meetings held. NEXT STEPS EST102: 09/10/17: Indicative Contract Award. EST103: 27/10/17: Prepare Implementation Plan. EST103: 27/10/17: Prepare Project Brief. MILESTONES Baseline Actual/ Predicted EST102 ITT Issued 27/07/17 EST102 Responses from Vendors Received 21/08/17 EST102 Indicative Contract Awarded 09/10/17 EST102 Contract Finalised 17/11/17 EST103 Initial Planning & Project Brief 29/09/17 27/10/17 EST103 Phase 1 DPI – Programme Management May 2018 EST103 Phase 1 DP2 – Cost Management Aug 2018 EST103 Phase 1 DP3 – Portfolio Management Nov 2018 EST103 Phase 2 DP4 – Project Management Jan 2019 RISKS & ISSUES RISK 1: Late completion of procurement will delay implementation: Begin any possible   “generic” planning and design in advance of knowing the identity of the   application that will be installed to smooth and speed the implementation. RISK 2: Too much change happening at the same time in Estates limiting the availability of Estates Resource at the right time: Good governance and stakeholder management. RISK 3: Unable to recruit new staff into Estates in time to support the new operating model which is required to successfully transition to the new application: Working on TOM, roles & responsibilities matrix leading to gap analysis to identify existing colleagues that can cover the work were possible. RISK 4: Existing data will not be of required quality to migrate to the new system: Thorough data analysis   exercise supported by 3rd party experience, early start to data cleansing, clear plan for cut-over. RISK 5: Technical Integrations may be more extensive & difficult than expected: work with identified third party supplier as early as possible to understand the number of integrations required and options. Set expectations with the business. RISK 6: 3rd party risks –   cultural, relationship, availability: Full OJEU procurement exercise (EST102) and contract, Support agreement, Hosting agreement, focus on   experience of 3rd party team during the procurement cycle.

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