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Warm-up – answer this question into your exercise copy.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up – answer this question into your exercise copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up – answer this question into your exercise copy.
Chapter 5 Early Years of WW2 (pg 49) Date: Objective Examine the key turning points of the war, where Germany starts losing. Warm-up – answer this question into your exercise copy. Apart from strength and numbers, what other factors are important is War do you think? 2-3 bullet points.

2 Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy.
Pearl Harbour: Japan’s response (they were part of the ‘Axis’) to America’s sanctions after they attacked China. Forces America into the war. Land-Lease Act: The arrangement for military materials to be provided by the Americans to the British during the war. Operation Barbarossa: Codename for Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Questions 3,4,5,7 page 55

3 Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy.
Scorched Earth: Red army (Russian) policy of destroying anything that could be used by the enemy as they retreated from the German army in 1941. Stalingrad: A major defeat in Europe. Hitler’s army died due to starvation and bad leadership. Questions 3,4,5,7 page 55

4 Questions in Exercise copy.
Questions 3,4,5,7 page 55 Questions 1-4, pages 55-56 Finish over weekend.

5 Cooldown I think.... Write one I know.... sentence with
I wonder.... these at the start

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