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Looking at Narratives.

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1 Looking at Narratives

2 Tzvetan Todorov devised a way of analysing narratives according to the way they move forward through different stages. He suggested that many narratives, regardless of their genre, could be broken into specific stages for analysis.

3 Todorov’s Narrative Stages
Equilibrium – the setting is established, key character(s) are introduced and the storyline is set up. Disruption – oppositional character(s) (characters who will play opposite the central character, either in a relationship, e.g. the hero/heroine, or in conflict, e.g. the hero/villain) appear and the story takes a particular direction

4 Recognition of disruption – the lives of the characters and events are interwoven. Tension builds throughout this section, which is often the longest. Attempt to repair disruption – the highest point of tension after which there is a change in dynamic.

5 Reinstatement of equilibrium – matters are sorted out, problems are solved and questions answered.

6 Playing with Narratives
Obviously not all narratives fit into the linear progression suggested by Todorov, especially if they are trying to do something different or unpredictable. For example, in Back to the Future (1985), a boy travels back in time to meet the scientist who invented time travel. The stages of the narrative in this film are not in chronological order. Can you think of any other examples where this might happen?

7 Recognition of disruption
Think of an animated film that you have recently seen. Try and fill complete this table to highlight when the different narrative stages occur. Here is an example from The Lion King Equilibrium Simba is born and all is well on the African plains. Disruption Simba’s father is killed by his brother, Scar. Recognition of disruption Scar blames Simba for the death of his father and he goes off to live in the wilderness. Attempt to repair Simba realises that Scar killed his father in order to become the King. Reinstatement Simba defeats Scar in battle and is reinstated as the heir to the throne.

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