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PDN In your notes respond to the following question:

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1 PDN In your notes respond to the following question:
How has the United States been impacted by the recent changes in the economy?

2 The Great Depression 15.1/2

3 The Great Crash In September 1929, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, an average of stock prices of major industries, had reached an all time high of 381. Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, most people sold their stocks at a tremendous loss. This collapse of the stock market is called the Great Crash. Overall losses totaled $30 billion.

4 The Great Depression The economic collapse that began with the Great Crash triggered the most severe economic downturn in the nation’s history—the Great Depression. lasted from 1929 until the US entered WWII in 1941 The Stock Market Crash of 1929 did not cause the Great Depression. Both were the result of underlying problems with the country’s economy.


6 Causes of the Great Depression
The nation’s wealth was unevenly distributed. Those who had the most tended to save or invest rather than buy goods. Industry produced more goods than most consumers wanted or could afford. An Unstable Economy People bought stocks with borrowed money and then promised those stocks as collateral so they could borrow more money to buy more stocks. Overspec-ulation The government limited the money supply to discourage lending. There was too little money to help the economy after the Great Crash. Government Policies

7 Impacts of the Great Depression
People of all levels of society faced hardships during the Great Depression. Unemployed laborers, unable to pay their rent, became homeless. Sometimes the homeless built shacks of tar paper or scrap material. These shanty town settlements came to be called Hoovervilles.

8 The Dust Bowl Farm families suffered from low crop prices.
Severe drought and farming practices destroyed protective prairie grasses Began in the 1920’s, well before the Great Depression dust storms ravaged the Plains region. Stripped of its natural soil, was reduced to dust and became known as the Dust Bowl.

9 The Dust Bowl The combination of the weather and low prices caused about 60% of Dust Bowl families to lose their farms.

10 Impacts of the Great Depression
People starved and thousands went hungry. Children suffered long-term effects from poor diet and inadequate medical care. Impact on Health Living conditions declined as families crowded into small houses or apartments. Men felt like failures because they couldn’t provide for their families. Working women were accused of taking jobs away from men. Stresses on Families Competition for jobs produced a rise in hostilities against African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans. African Americans had tough times finding jobs Aid programs discriminated against African Americans. Discrimination Increases

11 Review Questions Define Hoovervilles
What were the underlying causes of the Great Depression? What was the Dust Bowl and what were its causes? What caused the Great Crash? In a 4 sentence response, how did the Great Depression impact the people of America?

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