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Density-Dependence and the Rhino PVA

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Presentation on theme: "Density-Dependence and the Rhino PVA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Density-Dependence and the Rhino PVA
By the Grad Students

2 Density-Independence with Given Data
Result: 0% probability of extinction (Everyone did this!)

3 D-I: Changed carrying capacity from 75 to 40
Result: 40% probability of extinction

4 D-I: Increased adult mortality to 10% for females and 15% for males
Result: 80% probability of extinction

5 D-I: Changed female mortality to 8%, male to 10%
Result: 30% probability of extinction

6 Why Use Density-Dependence?
Higher % females may reproduce at lower pop’n sizes Females may have larger litters at lower pop’n sizes (cannot use this in Vortex w/o fudging) Pop’ns may be able to recover from catastrophes faster with D-D growth because “r” and/or % of females breeding is greater at low pop’n sizes

7 Density-Dependence vs. Density-Independence in the Rhino PVA
% of females breeding % fem. breeding 45% 40% D-I 33% K=75 Density

8 Equation for Density-Dependent
Reproduction % breeding females at pop’n size n = Po - (Po - Pk) (n/k)b For given data: % breeding females at size 64 = 33% Po= % breeding females at density 0 Pk= % of breeding females at K n= pop’n size K= carrying capacity b = shape parameter (USE 1)

9 Equation for Density-Dependent
Reproduction % breeding females at pop’n size n = Po - (Po - Pk) (n/k)b For given data: % breeding females at size 64 = 33% Po= 40% and 45% Pk= unknown, need to solve for this n= 64 K= 75 b = 1

10 Density-Dependence with original data
40 % of females breeding (Po) Result: 10% probability of extinction

11 D-D: Changed female mortality to 8%, male to 10%
Changed % of breeding females (Po) from 33% to 60% Result: 0% probability of extinction

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