Nicolo’ Masi, Andrea Tiseni TOF Group Bologna

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Presentation on theme: "Nicolo’ Masi, Andrea Tiseni TOF Group Bologna"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicolo’ Masi, Andrea Tiseni TOF Group Bologna
22/03/12 Rate of Protons and Antiprotons Nicolo’ Masi, Andrea Tiseni TOF Group Bologna N. Masi, A. Tiseni, Rate of Protons and Antiprotons Apr 2012

2 Summary Dark Matter Antiproton Searches:
22/03/12 Dark Matter Antiproton Searches: Selection of Protons and Antiprotons and live time Rate of Protons and Antiprotons with TRD+ECAL+FULL TRACKER Rate of Protons and Antiprotons with TRD+FULL TRACKER AntiProton to Proton Ratio Steps: MonteCarlo Efficiencies studies Fluxes Analysis and acceptance Unfolding procedure Goals: We’re reconstructing the Protons and Antiprotons spectra, using different methods (TRD+ECAL+full tracker, TRD + full tracker). By now, we have analyzed the rates for all B550 pass 2 AMS Data = rootfiles

3 Selection of Proton and Electrons:
22/03/12 Selection of protons and Electrons with a program developed by ECAL and TRD group with the contribution of TOF and Tracker people. Preselection: Downgoing particle with: 0.6< β < 1.2 South Atlantic and Pole Exclusion Z=1 ± 0.3 TOF, TRD, Tracker, ECAL common cuts (only in TRD+ECAL+full tracker method) N. Masi, A. Tiseni, Rate of Protons and Antiprotons Apr 2012

4 Proton and Electron Selection
22/03/12 Proton: Likelihood Electron/Proton > 0.8 Likelihood Helium/Proton > 1.9 EBDT < -0.8 Cut on the ratio Energy Reconstructed over Rigidity: EnergyE/Rigidity < 0.1 Momentum > 0 Antiproton: Likelihood Electron/Proton > 0.8 Likelihood Helium/Electron > 1.9 EBDT < -0.8 Cut on the ratio Energy Reconstructed over Rigidity: EnergyE/Rigidity < 0.1 Momentum < 0 N.B: EBDT is used only in TRD+ECAL+Full Tracker METHOD N. Masi, A. Tiseni, Rate of Protons and Antiprotons Apr 2012

5 Livetime 22/03/12

6 Proton Rate (TRD+ECAL+Full Tracker Method)
22/03/12 Protons/(sec*GeV)

7 Proton Rate (TRD+Full Tracker Method)
22/03/12 Protons/(sec*GeV)

8 AntiProton Rate (TRD+Full Tracker Method)
22/03/12 AntiProtons/(sec*GeV)

9 AntiProton Rate (TRD+ECAL+Full Tracker Method)
22/03/12 AntiProtons/(sec*GeV)

10 No operative Likelihood & spillover
AntiProton Fraction 22/03/12 No operative Likelihood & spillover Correct PAMELA Ratio

11 MC Preliminary Efficiency
From few antiprotons rootfiles B550 v5 in the low energy range (T < 10 GeV) : total events analyzed: clean events: (3.1% of total) Clean Events = Minimum BIAS = Trigger && TrkRigAsim Cut && Beta && Track matches SAA: No effect on MC trd golden: (2.3% of total, 73% of clean events) ecal golden: (2.5% of total, 79% of clean events) golden di cuts: (1.8% of total, 58% of clean events) total: p 2 total: antip (1.8% of total, 58% of clean events) TRD & ECAL selectors (Likelihood and EBDT) : zero statistics

12 Fluxes Data: No Brand News in these 90 days of 2012
From PAMELA and FERMI electron Electron + positron

13 Fluxes Data: No Brand News in these 90 days of 2012
Positron fraction

14 Fluxes Data: No Brand News in these 90 days of 2012
proton helium

15 Fluxes Data: No Brand News in these 90 days of 2012
Antiproton/proton Antiproton

16 Fluxes Analysis Without acceptance factor : 0.03 , for TRD+Full Tracker and TRD+ECAL+Full Tracker Without ECAL, without acceptance factor

17 Higher than antiprotons one
Number of particle measured by AMS with a 10^-2 acceptance & efficiency factor in 1 year 10000 100 10^-2 ÷ 1 10 1 100 Higher than antiprotons one 10 positrons 10

18 Unfolding Flat Multidimennsional Step Function Plus Exponential Smoothing Multinomial or Poissonian Functions

19 If we define the efficiency:
we can compute the true spectrum with the unfolded data for each bin: Data Posterior/Inverse probability calculated with previous Bayes Theorem Smearing/migration effect

20 Conclusions 22/03/12 Background Studies: contamination of electrons for antiproton signal, especially for the HE range (T > 100 GeV); eventual contamination of positrons in proton signal at High Energy; contamination of protons and positrons in antiproton signal for all energies. Unfolding software to produce the true spectra

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