The Reconceptualization of American Politics following Reconstruction

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1 The Reconceptualization of American Politics following Reconstruction
Gilded Age Politics The Reconceptualization of American Politics following Reconstruction

2 Politics Strong party loyalty
Results: Highest levels of voter turnout in US history %!!! Politics is entertainment! Few national issues, so that little separates them ideologically Issues center on government and economic problems, not social problems Especially after the Panic of 1873 (depression)

3 Politics Few national issues, so that little separates them ideologically Issues center on government and economic problems, not social problems Especially after the Panic of 1873 (depression) Republicans Pro business Democrats Pro labor/ small farmers

4 Republicans vs Democrats
Republicans (largely) dominated national politics in the period Democrats (largely) dominated state and city governments Solid South- Later, Populist Party, a successful 3rd party

5 Monetary Policy (BIG after Panic of ‘73, Panic of ‘93)
Silverites / Free Silver- The Gold Standard-

6 Civil Service Reform (BIG in election of ‘80)
Spoils system- ’83 Pendelton Civil Service Act-

7 Business Regulation (BIG in election of ’84+ )
New Business Organizations- Monopoly- Trust- Corporation-

8 Business Regulation (BIG in election of ’84+ )
New Business Philosophies- Social Darwinism- Gospel of Wealth- Vertical/ horizontal integration- Collective bargaining-

9 Business Regulation (BIG in election of ’84+ )
Capitalism/ Laissez- faire- Interstate Commerce Commission (1887) Sherman Anti- Trust Act (1890)

10 Presidential politics
Presidents Not very popular Inactive Presidents/ Passive role- Let Congress do the work Just enforce the laws One term each Same party All but one were Republicans

11 Ulysses S. Grant- New York
Reconstruction Panic of 1873 Scandals/ corruption

12 Rutherford B. Hayes- Ohio
Compromise of ended Reconstruction Planned only for one term

13 James A. Garfield- Ohio 1881 2nd assassination
Shot at DC train station by unhappy job seeker, died one month later Close election Attacked corruption and the spoils system in House of Reps 1881

14 Chester A. Arthur- New York
3rd VP to be Pres Pendelton Civil Service Act Oriental Exclusion Act of first federal immigration law

15 Grover Cleveland- New Jersey
First non-consecutive two terms Only post-war Democrat in office ICC- 1st federal regulation of railroads Panic of 1893 20% unemployment Discouraged federal aid to farmers

16 Benjamin Harrison- Indiana
Tariffs-- Record highs Sherman Anti Trust Law (1890) Pan Am Union- international cooperation (lost popular vote/ won the Electoral College!)

17 William McKinley- Ohio
Annexed Hawaii Spanish-American War Another high tariff 3rd Buffalo Expo by an anarchist, died 8 days later

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