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Developing Relationships with AASHTO Engineers or Anyone

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Relationships with AASHTO Engineers or Anyone"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Relationships with AASHTO Engineers or Anyone
Presentation Prepared by: Matt Childs, P.E., Vice President North American Sales HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies, Inc.

2 Presentation Agenda Intros Principles AASHTO Exercises Demo Feedback 1
4 AASHTO Exercises 2 5 Demo Feedback 3 6 Rigid Rugged Resilient

Rigid Rugged Resilient

4 Where to meet these guys?
AASHTO Who are they? American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Office Visits Phone Calls Social Functions Contractor Meetings Where to meet these guys? AASHTO Meetings Where is the best place to spend time with DOT Engineers - Discuss Rigid Rugged Resilient

5 Intros: What Did They Say? Rigid Rugged Resilient

6 Demo: What are we doing wrong? Rigid Rugged Resilient

7 Make the other person believe they are the most important person
Principles: Call them by name Become genuinely interested in others Don’t Argue That person’s name is the most sound in any language Encourage them to talk about themselves Listen to their story Work on Listening Skills Rigid Rugged Resilient

8 Win people to your way of thinking
Let the other person do a great deal of the talking Try honestly to see things trough the other person’s point of view. Get the other person saying, “Yes, yes” immediately Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires. Begin in a Friendly Way Appeal to the nobler motives Admit when you are wrong Admit it quickly and empathetically. Dramatize your ideas Show Respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say “You’re wrong.” Rigid Rugged Resilient

9 Don’t Interrupt & don’t impose your solutions
Listening Skills Don’t Interrupt & don’t impose your solutions Listen to the words Wait for speaker to pause and try to paint a picture with what they are saying to ask clarifying questions Ask questions only to ensure understanding. Don’t lead conversation elsewhere Keep an open mind Don’t jump to conclusions Don’t be a sentence grabber Be sympathetic Be attentive, but relaxed Give speaker affirmative feedback Face the speaker and maintain eye contact Summarize Rigid Rugged Resilient

10 Listening Exercises Break into groups and practice strong
listening skills Rigid Rugged Resilient

11 Summarize What did your partner say? Rigid Rugged Resilient

12 Influencers Figure out who the influencer is Other DOT Engineers
AASHTO Staff Retired Engineers Researchers Spouses Figure out who the influencer is Rigid Rugged Resilient

13 Contact Matt Childs, P.E. Email Facebook LinkedIn Rigid Rugged Resilient

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