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CA 305 ADF Advanced Culinary Arts Philosophy Alain Ducasse

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1 CA 305 ADF Advanced Culinary Arts Philosophy Alain Ducasse

2 PHILOSOPHIE DE LA CUISINE D’ALAIN DUCASSE / Kitchen phylosophie of Alain Ducasse
Taste – the guarantee and insurance of the original taste of a certain product or produce – THE PRODUCT IS THE STAR Seasonability – choosing of the right product Cooking methods – applying the right method to a product Subjectiveness of taste – what’s correct or wrong and who decides Origine of taste – terroir, keeping in mind the Mediterranean approach of A. Ducasses’s cuisine

3 PHILOSOPHIE DE LA CUISINE D’ALAIN DUCASSE / Kitchen phylosophie of Alain Ducasse
Authenticity – choosing of the quality products according to the « terroir » region or taste of the region. Terroir – products from the region – Authentic products from the region for regional based dishes When, where, how and why are dishes authentic to a region Cooking methditiods – adaptation into modern aproaches vs traditions Special equipment in regards to traditional cooking methods and serving of dishes Balance – the harmony of flavors and tastes of the various ingredients. No predominance of one flavor over another. Complementing flavors – what goes with what and how to achieve a balance of flavors – use of 5 senses. Seasoning – how much is too much? – keep the Mediterranean taste Nutritional ascpects of a dish – how to keep nutrition within the products Aesthetics/ presentation of a dish – Balance of main ingredients

4 Mediterranean – the origin of the « Cuisine » of Alain Ducasse
PHILOSOPHIE DE LA CUISINE D’ALAIN DUCASSE / Kitchen phylosophie of Alain Ducasse Texture – the play and alliance of raw and cooked products, strengthening and enhancing the taste of the same product  Description of texture – understanding of texture Importance of texture in a dish – mouthfeeel – different and contrasting textures within a dish – true to the products Understand the products and the texcture that needs achived within in accordance to the dishes description (recipes) Mediterranean – the origin of the « Cuisine » of Alain Ducasse Products of the Mediterranean heritage of Ducasse – specifically France, Italy, Spain, North Africa Inspiration of Mediterranean based products and culinary history Usage of products of the Mediterranean in other cuisines – or not? Eating habits of the Mediterranean Menus and building of menus by Ducasse   

5 PHILOSOPHIE DE LA CUISINE D’ALAIN DUCASSE / Kitchen phylosophie of Alain Ducasse
Precision and Rigor -rigor in execution, accuracy and precision in cooking methods, preparation Cooking methods How the cooking methods complement the other parts of the philosophy Standards – produce and cooking techniques – no short cuts Ethnic of being a chef How was the philosophy of AD developed and why? Is it really different from other chefs/countries Tradition and Evolution - creative cuisine to serve the memories of a « terroir », origine or region. Traditional methods vs modern cooking methods Molecular gatronomie - or where do we go? Creativity – How much does the AD philosophy allow? – How much of the traditional methods needs to be adhered to? - Changes through taste and textures

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