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School Year Ellis Middle School Mrs. Callister 7th Grade Math

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1 2017-18 School Year Ellis Middle School Mrs. Callister 7th Grade Math
Welcome! School Year Ellis Middle School Mrs. Callister 7th Grade Math 12/4/2018

2 Who’s Who Principal: Mr. Cripps Vice Principal: Mrs. Crawford
Office Staff: Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Dillehay Counselor: Mrs. Huffine Librarian: Mrs. Marler 12/4/2018

3 My Math Goals Use Technology, manipulatives, centers, projects, tasks, worksheets, group problem solving, and the text book to teach mathematics. Make math fun and interesting. Relate math to “real life”. Use math to persevere in solving problems. Have a well disciplined classroom that wants to learn and teach others. Treat all students with respect. Treat all students equally (follow the school discipline policy fairly). 12/4/2018

4 Mathematical Practices
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 12/4/2018


6 Classroom Rules I <3 a Silent Start! Bring your supplies to class.
Listen Carefully. Follow directions (First time given). Ask questions. Learn from your mistakes. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions. Be positive! Respect our classroom and its contents. Follow the school-wide discipline policy. 12/4/2018

7 MY Schedule Period 1 / 2 MATH Period 3 / 4 ACC MATH Period 5 / 6 MATH
Period 7 Planning Period 8 RTI 12/4/2018

8 Homework Expectations
Homework will be assigned every night Homework is worth 20% of your grades Homework must be done in pencil Show all of your work or you will not get credit!!!!! Be neat. Do not copy from a friend. Copying from a friend is cheating, not learning. 12/4/2018

9 Assignments will not be accepted late.
Late Work Policy Assignments will not be accepted late. Projects will be accepted late with a loss of one letter grade per-day. 12/4/2018

10 Absent Work When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get all late work. Check the board for missing assignments. Get any worksheets from the file on the back cabinet. Absentee buddies will write out any notes and put your name on your papers. I will sign your green slip when you leave it in the box and then you can retrieve it from the box at the end of class. 12/4/2018

11 Miscellaneous Procedures
Please help yourself to tissues and hand sanitizer located at each student center in the room. Use wipes to clean your desk frequently. If you feel like you have to throw-up please RUN to the bathroom, you can ask for a pass later!!!! Use pencil sharpener during class switch or in an emergency when teacher is not teaching. 12/4/2018

12 Special Projects Each 9 weeks we will be completing at least one project. Projects will be graded using a scoring rubric. Projects count like Tests! 12/4/2018

13 Grading Grades are a way for teachers, parents and students to monitor achievements and progress. Your academic work ethic in middle school is very important to securing your future in high school, college, and your career. Students and parents will view grades online this year using iNow the county’s online gradebook system. Grades this year impact next year’s math placement. Homework 20%, Tests 45%, Quizzes 35% 12/4/2018

14 Communication Parent conferences will be set up after the first and second semesters. Individual conferences will be set up on an as needed basis. Conferences will cover your academic progress in the previous semester and will discuss any problems/concerns/achievements in the classroom. You can contact me for help on homework or other issues by You can check my website at Everyone will use the agenda. 12/4/2018

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