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Helene Fisher Prasser, Wolte, Lampl.

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Presentation on theme: "Helene Fisher Prasser, Wolte, Lampl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helene Fisher Prasser, Wolte, Lampl

2 Biography born in 1945 is an anthropology professor
has studied romantic interpersonal attraction (for over 30 years) she is an expert on the biology of love and attraction

3 Research she has written five books
she proposed that humanity has evolved three core brain systems for mating and reproduction: lust - the sex drive or libido romantic attraction – romantic love attachment - deep feelings of union with a long term partner

4 2004 Love can start off with any of these three feelings
First sex  then fall in love fall in love first  then have sex sex drive evolved to initiate mating with a range of partners romantic love evolved to focus one's mating energy on one partner at a time attachment evolved to enable us to form a pairbond People can list the things they dislike about a sweetheart, but they sweep these things aside and focus on what they adore. Most important is obsessive thinking.

5 Experiment 49 people into a brain scanner
17 had just fallen madly in love 15 had just been dumped 17 reported they were still in love after an average of 21 years of marriage

6 Thank you for your kind attention!!

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