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Blanco Optics Report September 2009 R.Tighe Sept 07,2009 Sept 07, 2009

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1 Blanco Optics Report September 2009 R.Tighe Sept 07,2009 Sept 07, 2009
CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

2 PF IQ 130809 PF Baseline Correction (basepf.par): *bo 0 *b2 369 76
Before shutdown (061106) After shutdown (080709) Az N 38° 7.5° Coma was corrected by translation of PF pedestal: N=0.22mm; W=0.4mm All sky average foc spher coma ang astig tref. quad Total d80 nm 3243 -1776 316 27 283 77 132 16 85 21 d80 Arcsec (0.41 mm) <=== 2.72 -0.20 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.23 Target:Amplitude in nm (0.1Arcsec d80) 119 909 714 303 256 238 Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

3 Coma (130809): PF Coma LUT Aug2009 Mag. Target 714nm Az OPD Mag. nm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 310 334 729 745 980 172 138 170 159 164 501 580 582 698 123 174 178 206 855 581 590 90 132 223 209 292 321 422 433 82 248 249 221 120 401 418 560 244 121 276 258 150 50 397 505 819 254 204 294 270 180 144 432 426 43 58 356 13 210 188 407 307 504 107 359 22 125 240 217 250 554 1365 106 212 136 117 260 419 754 167 91 135 300 198 604 1020 1633 145 115 131 330 96 405 1100 1526 158 160 360 PF Coma LUT Aug2009 Az PFC corr. trans. mm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 0.26 0.28 0.61 0.62 0.82 172 138 170 159 164 0.42 0.48 0.49 0.58 123 174 178 206 0.71 90 132 223 209 0.24 0.27 0.35 0.36 82 248 249 221 120 0.33 0.47 244 121 276 258 150 0.04 0.68 254 204 294 270 180 0.12 0.14 43 58 356 13 210 0.16 0.34 107 359 22 125 240 0.18 0.21 0.46 1.14 106 212 136 117 0.22 0.63 167 91 135 300 0.17 0.50 0.85 1.36 145 115 131 330 0.08 0.92 1.27 144 158 160 360 Comment: This is, to first approximation, the coma LUT for Decam. Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

4 Astigmatism (130809): PF Astig. LUT Aug2009 Mag. Target 303nm Az OPD Mag. nm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 227 356 534 410 491 125 85 136 101 210 439 507 562 61 104 102 485 302 432 477 103 99 107 90 305 407 391 448 123 89 98 120 396 274 447 316 68 39 95 91 150 300 236 247 54 79 180 190 194 310 442 72 64 213 78 263 93 53 208 240 252 160 326 34 116 109 270 304 244 318 363 132 186 221 290 100 127 330 281 414 262 114 153 360 PF Astig. Residuals Dec2006 Mag. Target 303nm Az OPD Mag. nm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 151 440 418 475 459 308 142 171 192 99 285 508 267 669 128 180 132 160 424 - 375 29 131 161 229 90 321 109 318 566 206 218 138 106 120 359 448 274 410 294 195 112 150 347 159 421 292 152 398 24 155 581 281 140 92 210 141 181 173 63 300 240 117 451 332 257 86 191 164 270 64 113 444 163 289 246 271 427 251 58 165 315 330 203 624 552 123 360 Comment: After the radial support shutdown, the values of the Astigmatism LUT are smaller than the residual astigmatism after applying the LUT we had before shutdown. It is expected that after applying this 2009 LUT, the residual Astigmatism will be below 0.1Arcsec at all telescope positions. Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics

5 Trefoil and Quadratic (130809):
PF Tref. LUT Aug2009 Mag. Target 256nm Az OPD Mag. nm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 129 100 79 138 291 229 276 170 182 208 167 154 260 331 188 203 183 257 110 261 381 185 233 211 196 90 118 178 179 312 192 191 189 120 125 164 163 176 187 190 150 158 279 193 200 180 132 218 278 201 197 181 146 210 145 173 234 252 198 171 240 95 226 205 209 169 270 329 202 194 300 130 304 157 206 186 165 151 330 236 207 363 223 360 PF Quad. LUT Aug2009 Mag. Target 238nm Az OPD Mag. nm Ang Deg Zd 15 30 45 60 69 48 73 46 91 116 163 188 172 152 59 68 65 63 178 89 166 52 76 49 80 182 125 156 193 90 74 130 218 145 169 160 120 67 81 50 57 165 164 159 150 56 62 61 102 148 138 180 97 123 122 110 131 210 64 51 143 86 149 240 54 129 104 127 187 270 135 42 39 299 41 101 300 75 189 70 213 121 223 330 111 103 141 225 113 204 360 Comment: The Trefoil LUT could be applied because some values are slightly above the target, but not the Quadratic LUT because the values are already smaller than the target. Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

6 F/8 IQ 030909 PF Baseline Correction (basepf.par): *bo 0 *b2 1680 346
Before shutdown (061106) After shutdown (030909) Results at Zenith after applying the F/8 baseline corrections: Near Zenith foc spher coma ang astig tref. quad Total d80 nm -1790 -750 100 323 210 334 50 258 130 15 d80 Arcsec (-1.82 mm) <=== -1.50 0.08 0.01 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.12 Target:Amplitude in nm (0.1Arcsec d80) 119 909 714 303 256 238 Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

7 Mirror Seeing ? (or air problems?)
Engineering : Telescope Ha:-4:23,Dec:-14:48 i.e. to the E Engineering : Telescope Ha:-4:23,Dec:-14:48 i.e. to the E Comment: In both cases the same baseline correction was applied. Also the distorted spots are mostly opposite to telescope position. Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

8 Comments and To Do List (in red: updating previous report)
M1 displacement w/r to cell is ~ 1/4 the max. tolerance for coma (~500um); (still is, except when mirror jumps due to air dropping off). To Do short term: Re-measure the aberration skymaps at PF (done) and F/8 (pending). Baseline corrections and LUTs for PF (done) and F/8 (baseline done). Check the counterweights behavior (how close to cell?); (pending but Andres says they should be far away). Implement axial Hard-points Load cells monitoring/logging facility. Implement TCS control to ensure actuator pressure adjusts to telescope slewing fast enough. To Do long term: Re-measure the PFC unit w/r to M1 using the laser projector and Mitutoyos (tbdone as a cross-check, but the real data should be the coma LUT). Finish upgrading the Coating chamber and produce a reliable Al coating recipe before next shutdown (tbdone). Design/Install the new Air Plenum system next shutdown. Sept 07, 2009 CTIO/Optics Sept 07,2009

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