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DNA & Chromosomes DNA is a type of organic macromolecule called Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA is made up of repeating monomers called Nucleotides DNA has a.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA & Chromosomes DNA is a type of organic macromolecule called Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA is made up of repeating monomers called Nucleotides DNA has a."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA & Chromosomes DNA is a type of organic macromolecule called Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA is made up of repeating monomers called Nucleotides DNA has a distinct shape called a Double Helix Segments of DNA that code for traits (eye color, etc) are Genes

2 DNA & Chromosomes Chromatin is DNA and histone loosely coiled together
DNA is wrapped up with proteins (histones) to form chromatin and chromosomes Chromatin is DNA and histone loosely coiled together Chromosomes are DNA and histone coiled very tightly together Chromosomes appear as a “fat X” shape Each side or half of a chromosome is called a chromatid Both chromatids are held together by a centromere

3 Sexual Reproduction Half of the chromosomes come from the mother; half from the father Sex Chromosomes determine the sex of the organism (X & Y) All other chromosomes are called Autosomes Autosomes come in pairs (1 from mother; 1 from father) The pairs that are the same size, shape, and types of genes are called Homologous Pairs (Homologues) Ex: 1 chromosome has gene for hair color and 1 comes from EACH parent. They have same trait type, but not the same information (brown vs blonde)

4 DNA & Chromosomes Sex chromosomes have different genes on them and have different sizes, so they can not be homologous Cells having 2 sets of chromosomes are called Diploid (2n) Humans (46); Fruit Fly (8); Plum (48); Adders Tongue Fern (1262) Cells that come from sexually reproduced organisms that have only 1 set of chromosomes are called Haploid (1n) These are the sex cells (egg and sperm)

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