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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

3 Final Jeopardy Round 1

4 Poe’s Life Symbol-ism The Raven The Cask… The Pit… Literary Elements $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 $100 Where did Poe die?

6 $100 Baltimore Scores

7 What poem is a football team named after?
$200 What poem is a football team named after?

8 $200 The Raven Scores

9 $300 Who did Poe marry?

10 His cousin Virginia, she was 13
$300 His cousin Virginia, she was 13 Scores

11 What traumatic event happened when Poe was young?
$400 What traumatic event happened when Poe was young?

12 $400 His mother died. Scores

13 What person did Poe not really get along with very well?
$500 What person did Poe not really get along with very well?

14 John Allan his stepfather.
$500 John Allan his stepfather. Scores

15 What does the Raven symbolize?
$100 What does the Raven symbolize?

16 Never ending remembrance and mourning.
$100 Never ending remembrance and mourning. Scores

17 What does Montressor’s arms symbolize?
$200 What does Montressor’s arms symbolize?

18 $200 The foot is Fortunato always insulting Montressor, and the snake is Montressor finally striking back and getting his revenge. Scores

19 What do the dying candles at the trial represent in “The Pit”?
$300 What do the dying candles at the trial represent in “The Pit”?

20 The prisoner’s hope is dying, or fading away.
$300 The prisoner’s hope is dying, or fading away. Scores

21 Daily Double

22 $400 What does the picture of Time and the sharp pendulum swinging down symbolize?

23 Time is running out for the prisoner.
$400 Time is running out for the prisoner. Scores

24 $500 The narrator thinks the Raven is from Plutonian shores. Pluto is the god of the underworld. What does Plutonian shores symbolize?

25 $500 Hell, which is where the narrator thinks the raven or devil bird is from. Scores

26 What is the only word the Raven Says?
$100 What is the only word the Raven Says?

27 $100 Nevermore. Scores

28 $200 What is the narrator doing when the story starts? Where is he? What time of year is it?

29 He is napping in front of a fire (or in his chamber), it is December
$200 He is napping in front of a fire (or in his chamber), it is December Scores

30 Where does the raven come from, and where does he go/what does he do?
$300 Where does the raven come from, and where does he go/what does he do?

31 He comes in through the window and sits on a bust above the door.
$300 He comes in through the window and sits on a bust above the door. Scores

32 Who does the narrator miss, and what happened to this person?
$400 Who does the narrator miss, and what happened to this person?

33 He misses Lenore his lover, and she died.
$400 He misses Lenore his lover, and she died. Scores

34 What ends up happening to our narrator by the end of the poem? Why?
$500 What ends up happening to our narrator by the end of the poem? Why?

35 He goes mad (crazy) thinking about Lenore and missing her.
$500 He goes mad (crazy) thinking about Lenore and missing her. Scores

36 What event helps Montressor get revenge on Fortunato? Why?
$100 What event helps Montressor get revenge on Fortunato? Why?

37 $100 The carnival, because Fortunato has been drinking and now is drunk and easy to fool. Scores

38 What trick does Montressor use to bait Fortunato?
$200 What trick does Montressor use to bait Fortunato?

39 He pretends to have expensive wine that he needs Fortunato to taste.
$200 He pretends to have expensive wine that he needs Fortunato to taste. Scores

40 Where does Montressor lead Fortunato?
$300 Where does Montressor lead Fortunato?

41 Down into the vaults where he says the wine is.
$300 Down into the vaults where he says the wine is. Scores

42 Why aren’t any of Montressor’s servants at home?
$400 Why aren’t any of Montressor’s servants at home?

43 They have all gone to the carnival.
$400 They have all gone to the carnival. Scores

44 When does Fortunato realize he has been fooled?
$500 When does Fortunato realize he has been fooled?

45 $500 When he starts to sober up, but he is already chained up inside the vault. Scores

46 What crime do we suspect the narrator has done?
$100 What crime do we suspect the narrator has done?

47 He is the wrong religion or a spy.
$100 He is the wrong religion or a spy. Scores

48 What are the three tortures that happen to him?
$200 What are the three tortures that happen to him?

49 The razor sharp pendulum
$200 The pit The razor sharp pendulum The hot walls Scores

50 How does he get lucky and escape the first torture?
$300 How does he get lucky and escape the first torture?

51 $300 He trips on his own hem and falls on the floor before falling in the pit. Scores

52 Why was it dark when he first woke up in the dungeon?
$400 Why was it dark when he first woke up in the dungeon?

53 So he couldn’t see the pit and would hopefully fall in.
$400 So he couldn’t see the pit and would hopefully fall in. Scores

54 Why were the lights turned on when he was strapped to the table?
$500 Why were the lights turned on when he was strapped to the table?

55 $500 So he could see the pendulum and feel panic and fear watching it get closer and closer. Scores

56 $100 The fact that the reader knows Montressor plans revenge on Fortunato but Fortunato does not is called what: Foreshadowing Dramatic irony Verbal irony Imagery

57 $100 B. Dramatic Irony Scores

58 $200 Montressor showing Fortunato the trowel he was carrying is an example of what: Foreshadowing Dramatic irony Verbal irony imagery

59 $200 a. foreshadowing Scores

60 $300 Fortunato was already chained up when Montressor said, “Yes…let us be gone.” This is an example of which: Foreshadowing Dramatic irony Verbal irony Imagery

61 $300 c. Verbal irony Scores

62 $400 “…I reached out my hand, and it fell upon something damp and hard.” Is an example of which: Foreshadowing Dramatic irony Verbal irony Imagery

63 $400 d. Imagery Scores

64 $500 “Come, we will go back ere it is too late. Your cough-” was said to Fortunato by Montressor. It is and example of which type of irony?

65 $500 Verbal irony Scores

66 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Mood Final Jeopary Question Scores

67 How does the setting of “The Raven” contribute to mood?

68 The setting in “The Raven” is night time, dark, the weather is cold and dreary as said in the poem and it is December. He only has a small fire that is dying out and doesn’t give much light. All of these elements make the setting dark and depressing which match the character’s feelings from losing Lenore. Scores

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