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Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services We teach in the community on location to low- income populations.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services We teach in the community on location to low- income populations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services We teach in the community on location to low- income populations. We teach in class- room settings to a variety of ages and abilities. Page 02

2 Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services Kids In The Kitchen curriculum 4 week curriculum that meets once a week for 1 hour for ages 5-13. Curriculum covers food safety, nutrition, portion sizes, cooking basics and making healthy food choices as well as hands-on cooking. We offer two curriculums a year (school-year and summer). We served 9,000 children in FY2013 Page 01

3 Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices: Why this works: Kids are involved. They get to eat what they make. They get to take home a cookbook they are proud of. They are introduced to new foods and they usually love the recipes! Page 02

4 Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services Teen EATS curriculum 6 week curriculum that meets once a week for 2 hours for ages 13-18. Specifically targeted to teens, curriculum covers fast food choices, lunch choices, body image, physical activity, cooking basics, and media. Participants receive free groceries each week as well as the meal prepared in class by the participants. Page 01

5 Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices: Why this works: Teens want to contribute at home. Teens are cooking for themselves, so why not make it healthy? Teens have fun in an interactive / discussion setting. Page 02

6 Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services Project STRENGTH curriculum 8 week Dietician approved adult course that meets once a week for two hours. The curriculum covers important nutrition basics, shopping on a budget, eating for prevention, food safety, and hands-on cooking. Participants receive free groceries every week as well as meal and recipes as prepared in class by participants. We served 9,402 participants in FY 2013. Page 01

7 Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices: Why this works: Adults need and appreciate the groceries. Adults want to provide healthy meals for their families, they just dont know how to. They socialize with neighbors and community members for added long- term accountability. Page 02

8 Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services Behavior Change Goals Participants set tangible goals in class to improve their own health. Participants are motivated both internally by changes in their own health and emotional well-being and externally by watching other class participants meet their goals. The average post-test score for Project STRENGTH is 79%. 80% report a behavior change from the class. The average post-test score for Kids in the Kitchen is 80%. 84% report a behavior change from class. Page 01

9 Harvesters – The Community Food Network Nutrition Services One Time Classes Diabetes class that offers suggestions for diabetic friendly recipes and putting together healthy meals and snacks. Healthy Desserts class on how to incorporate desserts into a healthful lifestyle along with cookbook. Meatless Meals class demonstrating how easy and cost effective meatless can be. Page 01

10 Slide with text and image Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices: Why this works: These are easier to schedule with the sites to fill in the gaps when full series cannot be taught. They are good trial classes for participants to see what an 8-week class would be like. They are topic specific, so participants are still able to attend if they have already come to other classes. Page 02

11 Train the Teacher Models: We can train representatives from the community to teach our curriculum at their site. We supply the curriculum, cooking equipment, gift card for recipes made in class, and the grocery sacks for participants. Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices:

12 Why this works: Teachers are from community and invested in their community. More sustainable model for creating an environment of health. We can extend our reach further into the community. Helps overcome cultural and language barriers. (Our adult curriculum is translated into Spanish.) Harvesters – The Community Food Network Best Practices:

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