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Paul's Life, Travels, & Books

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1 Paul's Life, Travels, & Books
An Overview of Paul's Life, Travels, & Books

2 How To Study The Bible The W's of Bible study:
To whom was the book written? Why was the book written? Where was the book written from? When was the book written? Who wrote the book?

3 So, Why Paul? He wrote 13 of the 27 books of the NT
But, on a percentage-of-words basis: Luke = 27% Paul = 23% John = 20% Others: Matthew, Mark, Jude, & the writer of Hebrews = 30% On the other hand, he traveled extensively and reached many, many people. So, his books tend to address a wide range of issues

4 Paul's Early Life Both a Jew as well as a Roman citizen:
Jewish name was Saul. And, since he was from Tarsus, he was called Saul of Tarsus in the early part of his story. Latin/Roman name was Paul. Was first called “Paul” in Acts 13:9 while on Cyprus. Paul wrote that he was “of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee”. At an early age he was sent to Jerusalem to study in the school of Gamaliel – one of the most noted rabiis in history.

5 Paul's Later Life Was headed to Damascus with letters to arrest/persecute Christians when he “saw the light”. Was blinded for 3 days Began preaching in the synagogues that Jesus was the Son of God – and barely escaped death (2 Cor 11:32) Went to Arabia, possibly for 3 years (Gal 1:17) May have been when much was revealed to him by God. Visited Jerusalem Then back to Syria & Cilicia for ~5 years, some of which was in Antioch. Barnabus & Saul took aid to Jerusalem due to a famine & went back to Antioch Next - what we know as the “Missionary Journeys”


7 Paul's Third Journey Walk
2,551 km 1,592 mi 522 hr/8 65 days 522 hr/24 22 days

8 Modern Day Map

9 { { Approximate Timeline of Paul’s Life & Works Pastoral Epistles
Prison Epistles { 2nd Thessalonians 1st Timothy Titus 2nd Timothy 2nd Corinthians Philippians Romans 1st Thessalonians Ephesians Galatians 1st Corinthians Philemon Colossians 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 Trial & execution Stoning of Stephen Arrest in Jerusalem Conversion of Saul 1st Missionary Journey Jerusalem Conference 3rd Missionary Journey Imprisonment in Judea 2nd Missionary Journey 4th Missionary Journey? Shipwrecked trip to Rome 1st Imprisonment in Rome 2nd Imprisonment in Rome 2-week visit to Jerusalem Ministry in Syria & Cilicia Ministry in Syrian Antioch Ministry in Arabia & Damascus Famine relief visit to Jerusalem Note: There is no significance to the red or yellow of the bars. Alternating colors were chosen since many of the time periods abut each other and the use of a single color wouldn’t work.

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