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beautiful Makkah, the holiest city

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1 beautiful Makkah, the holiest city
Grade- 2 Unit D Chapter 1 beautiful Makkah, the holiest city

2 Objectives If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Where are we going for Hajj? What are the special things about Makkah? Where do you face when you pray?

3 Makkah is in Saudi Arabia..
Where is Makkah? Makkah is in Saudi Arabia..

4 What is the specialty of Makkah?
Makkah is the Most special for Muslims… Because, Muslims are going to Makkh to do Hajj and Umrah… Hajj is fifth pillar of Islam….

5 Where is Ka’aba? Ka’aba is in Makkah and it is the first Masjid Built in the Earth… Ka’aba is Qibla of Muslims and they are turning to it while doing Prayer….

6 Who lived first in Makkah
Prophet Adam (a) and his family lived in Makkah and died there…. They were the first family that lived on Earth..

7 Who built Ka’aba? First angels made Ka’aba with the order of Allah….
And later Adam (a) re-built it…. Much later, Prophet Ibraheem (a) and his son Ismaeel (a) re-built it again and furnished it…

8 Which is the famous well in Makkah?
The well of Zamzam water is famous well in Makkah and it is in Masjid-ul Haram near Ka’aba….

9 Prophet muhammed (s.w) was born in Makkah, more than 1400 years ago….
And he got Nubuwath from Ghar Hira (Cave- Hira) in Jabalunnoor- a famous mountain in Makkah…..

10 Ghar Hira…..

11 Answer the following Questions
1) What is the most special city for Muslims? 2) Where is Makkah? 3) Who were the first people in Makkh? 4) Who built ka’aba? 5) Why was Makkah special for Prophet Muhammed (s.w) 6) Why is the spring of zamzam special? Where in Makkah is it?


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