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a b Spike IL-17AA pg/mL Dilution Factor (DF) Recovery pg/mL

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1 a b Spike IL-17AA pg/mL Dilution Factor (DF) Recovery pg/mL Endogenous pg/mL DF Corrected pg/mL % Recovery % Linearity Spike IL-17FF pg/mL CSF1: 6.25 1 6.90 0.05 110 5.26 0.03 84 2 2.82 5.64 90 82 2.55 5.10 97 4 1.51 6.04 107 1.29 5.16 83 101 8 0.81 6.48 104 108 0.69 5.52 88 CSF2: 6.25 7.36 0.25 118 5.60 0.06 3.42 6.84 109 93 2.64 5.28 94 1.75 7.00 112 103 1.34 5.36 86 0.88 7.04 113 100 0.66 CSF3: 6.25 6.97 0.24 5.77 92 3.30 6.60 106 95 2.71 5.42 87 1.71 1.37 5.48 0.87 6.96 111 CSF4: 6.25 6.24 0.08 5.62 3.03 6.06 2.62 5.24 1.56 105 0.72 5.76 CSF5: 6.25 5.68 91 5.59 0.04 89 2.89 5.78 102 2.56 5.12 1.43 5.72 98 1.28 0.86 6.88 120 0.65 5.20 Table S4. Linearity of dilution of recombinant IL-17AA (a) and IL-17FF (b) in CSF. Spike Recovery is calculated as: (Measured Mean [IL-17FF]-endogenous [IL-17FF] / expected Spike [IL-17FF])*100 Linearity of dilution is calculated as: (Measured Mean [IL-17FF]*2/ concentration of the previous dilution)*100 All samples and dilutions met the acceptability criterion of being within ± 20% of the previous dilution, and recoveries were within ±20% of nominal.

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