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What’s happening there?

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1 What’s happening there?
Ephesus What’s happening there?

2 Ephesus Ephesus is an ancient city which is now in modern day Turkey.
It was mainly a Greek city, but it became Roman in 129 B.C.E. Estimates say that the population may have been 33,600 to 56,000 people in the Roman period.

3 Ephesus It was famous for the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world. Artemis was a Greek goddess of the moon, the hunt, and childbearing Paul got into fights with craftsmen who make idols for the temple

4 Ephesus Ephesus was one of the cities in which Paul ministered the gospel. Portions of the New Testament are written to the Ephesians or the authors were staying in Ephesus at the time. Ephesus was an important city even after NT times for church history.




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