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EO Data Access Protocol

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1 EO Data Access Protocol
HMA for Science SRR EO Data Access Protocol SRR 16 May 2013, ESRIN Frascati Daniele Marchionni, Telespazio Raul Cafini, Telespazio Slide 1

2 EO Data Access Protocol - Summary
Status of the Document Protocol Overview Requirements Classes Conformance Classes and ATS Slide 2

3 Status of the document 1/2
OGC Download Service for Earth Observation Products (DSEO) V /05/14 Single zip file delivered including: The document: _Download_Service_for_Earth_Observation_Products.docx The schema files: dseo.xsd metalink.xsd Some examples XML files Slide 3

4 Status of the document 2/2
The document has been prepared following the latest template from OGC ( r4_New_OGC_Document_Template_Draft) Requirement Classes provided in sections §9, §10 Conformance Classes & tests provided in section §11 The OGC doc ID has been reserved (13-043), but document not uploaded yet because waiting for SRR comments before posting Slide 4

5 DSEO Overview 1/2 The OGC Download Service For Earth Observation Products (DSEO) proposes as OGC Best Practice document the download protocol defined in ngEO project (described in [ngEO-DAGICD]). The protocol supports the following scenarios: The product is already available for download (on-line); The product is under processing, but not ready yet (off-line / on-demand); Additionally the following sub-cases are supported: Product file available from multiple sources (parallel download); The product is composed of multiple files, each possibly available from multiple sources (multiple download); The product file is reachable via several HTTP redirections from the original URL. Any combination of previous options. Slide 5

6 DSEO Overview 2/2 The DSEO protocol uses: DSEO service operations:
HTTP GET for all interactions; HTTP redirections, in case of “virtual URL”; Re-try mechanism according to specific HTTP returned codes, in case of on-demand products; Metalink files for managing multi-file / multi-source download; Key-Value Pairs (KVP) Encoding: the service operations receive parameters as list of key-value pairs in the request URL. DSEO service operations: GetCapabilities, in order to have compliance with OWS GetProduct, the actual DSEO service operation Slide 6

7 DSEO Operations - GetCapabilities
GetCapabilities operation allows DSEO clients to retrieve the service metadata document from the server. This document specifies which operations can be invoked on the server, encodings, etc. Request: it is a simple HTTP GET operation with KVP encoded parameters in the URL (service=DSEO, request=GetCapabilities, version=“1.0.0”, ...) Example: Response: the Capabilities XML document containing information about the service, supported operations, encodings, etc. Slide 7

8 DSEO Operations – GetProduct 1/3
GetProduct operation allows DSEO clients to request a particular EO product identified by a URI. Request: it is a simple HTTP GET operation with KVP encoded parameters: Service: Service type identifier Request: Operation name Version: Standard version for operation ProductURI: URI of the product to be downloaded. Example: Slide 8

9 DSEO Operations – GetProduct 2/3
GetProduct – Response: Response Name HTTP Status Response type MIME Type Description Direct Download 200 – Ok Binary application/octet-stream Product data Metalink Download XML application/metalink+xml Metalink file (Metalink.xsd) Partial Content 206 – Partial Content Accepted Download 202 – Accepted text/xml dseo:ProductDownload Response (dseo.xsd) Forwarded Download 303 – See Other ASCII text/html See http specifications Direct Download: single file on-line product; Metalink Download: multi-file / multi-source on-line product (Multiple Download); Partial Content: multi source file product (Parallel Download) Accepted Download: off-line / on-demand download product; Forwarded Download: external located product redirect information; Slide 9

10 DSEO Operations – GetProduct 3/3
Slide 10

11 DSEO Requirement Classes
As OGC Best Practice, the document shall include Requirement Classes. Requirement Classes: Core, regrouping all requirements for supporting direct download, multi file download (Metalink), multi source download (Metalink), redirection. On-demand Download, inheriting from Core class and including the requirements for allowing download of product files not ready yet. In this way we cover: servers supporting only already available products (Core class) and also servers supporting on-demand products (Core + On-demand Download). Slide 11

12 DSEO Conformance Classes
Conformance Classes: Normally there is a 1:1 mapping between Requirement Classes and Conformance Classes, so we have: Core (Conformance Class), regrouping all tests for verifying Core class requirements; On-demand Download (Conformance Class), regrouping all tests for verifying On-demand Download class requirements. Slide 12

13 DSEO Conformance Tests
Conformance Tests: A conformance class is implemented via a set of conformance tests, each testing one or more requirements of the corresponding requirements class. Core: contains the following conformance tests: Capabilities Capabilities request non-nominal conditions Download of single file product Download of multi-file product Download of multi-source product Redirected download of single file product Product request non-nominal conditions On-demand Download: contains the following conformance tests: Slide 13

14 DSEO Requirements Statistics
Requirement Class Core: 14 Requirements OnDemand: 2 Requirements Slide 14

15 DSEO Conformance Tests Statistics
Conformance Class Core: 7 Conformance Tests OnDemand: 4 Conformance Tests Slide 15

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