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Presentation on theme: "Parenting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenting

2 Our long term aim—loving our kids so they live God’s Kingdom
Overview Session One: Healthy Relationships Session Two: Building a strong family Session Three: Meeting Our Children’s needs Session Four: Building Personal Responsibility Session Five: Teaching Healthy Relationships Session Six: Our long term aim—loving our kids so they live God’s Kingdom

3 kids so they live God’s Kingdom
Session Six: Our long term aim—loving our kids so they live God’s Kingdom

4 Training our children for healthy independence
What self worth do you think these two young women have?

5 How do we as parents train our children for healthy independence?

6 Pillars for relationships
Unconditional love, acceptance and intimacy— Intimacy is really into-me-you-see, because I showed you!" Honour—you feel powerful when you’re valued and respected. Truth and being trustworthy Purpose—Helping us walk out life together Peace, Joy, Hope—the roof of our home. Foundation is love.

7 Couple discussion What process are you planning to use in your family
to help your children become independent and a Kingdom person? What help do you need as a couple?

8 How do we help our children make good choices?
Drugs and alcohol Sex and sexuality Money Spirituality ‘Stranger danger’ Work

9 Passing on Kingdom values
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) The Kingdom values to do with justice, mercy and compassion build a culture of trust, honesty, love, and creativity in our families.

10 Talking about our beliefs and values
Train children in the way they should go and when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22.6 Children learn far more from our actions than what we say. They’ll remember more if they are involved in the learning, rather than hearing parents talk at them.

11 Answering the big questions What happens when we die?
(give children a framework for understanding life) Why are we here? Where did it all go wrong? Is the universe friendly? What happens when we die?

12 Faith and parenting is more easily caught than taught
Develop the right home environment Create expectancy for God to act supernaturally Praying with and for our children Develop family traditions

13 Make time for your spouse
Make time for your spouse. A healthy marriage is the best gift to give your children. Spend time with them and listen to them, build an actual relationship.

14 Circle of Prayer

15 That’s the end – thank you for coming


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