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Heat flux width scaling in ITER limiter configurations

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1 Heat flux width scaling in ITER limiter configurations
in support of ITER blanket shield module plasma-facing surface design Proposer: R. A. Pitts (IO), MIT contact: B. LaBombard Motivation ITER first wall blanket shield modules will be shaped to deal with steady state and transient loads and to permit limiter start-up (SU) – ramp down (RD) limiter phases also possible Design is underway but not complete – relying on predicted power folding lengths SU/RD scenarios foreseen on both LFS and HFS Limiter phase up to 5 MA (RU), 7.5 MA (RD)  q||,peak ~40 MWm-2, q,peak as high as 5-6 MWm-2

2 Heat flux width scaling in ITER limiter configurations
in support of ITER blanket shield module plasma-facing surface design Proposer: R. A. Pitts (IO), MIT contact: B. LaBombard JET vs. IPB Motivation New ITER baseline thermal load specifications provide limiter SOL power widths based on L-mode divertor scaling (JET, AUG, JT-60U) modified to account for multiple limiters But L-mode divertor scaling only roughly followed by sparse limiter data which is available (e.g. from JET, 1986) lq|| on HFS SU/RD local (at the limiter) expected to be ~4 x LFS value (ballooning transport and flux expansion) Courtesy of P. C. Stangeby – from original JET expts. reported in S. K. Erents et al., NF 28 (1988) 1209

3 Heat flux width scaling in ITER limiter configurations
in support of ITER blanket shield module plasma-facing surface design Proposer: R. A. Pitts (IO), MIT contact: B. LaBombard Suggested run plan Concentrate on HFS start-up  more like the ITER FW situation (in terms of limiter geometry)  C-Mod LFS limiter structure probably too complex for easy interpretation 1) Make “steady state” SOL profile measurements in limiter plasmas: 2 values of Ip (at ITER relevant q for start-up, e.g. 5-10) For example: Two density plateaux at constant PIN for each Ip Two PIN at constant density for each Ip Note: lq||  R2 Pdiv-0.8q950.5 ne0.9 (IPB L-mode divertor scaling) Use low density ( nGW) to remain close to expected low ne ITER start-up  build-up SOL scaling database 2) Compare steady limiter folding lengths with same thing in diverted discharges  provide further data for original IPB scaling and compare directly with limiter lengths 3) Maybe try some LFS measurements if possible to see if useful

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