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Limits to Population Growth

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Presentation on theme: "Limits to Population Growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Limits to Population Growth

2 What slows the growth of populations?
Limiting Factors Density-dependent limiting factors: limiting factors that are dependent on population size Density-independent limiting factors: limiting factors that affect the same percentage of a population regardless of its size.

3 Density-dependent limiting factors
Food supply Predation Disease Related to competition and interactions between organisms. Greater effect in larger populations.

4 Density-dependent limiting factors
Populations controlled by density-dependent factors show an S-shaped curve on a graph. Exponential growth at first, then growth slows and stops at the carrying capacity. p.81

5 Density-independent factors
Natural disasters Hurricane Fire Tsunami Limit growth of population by destroying habitat.

6 Density-independent limiting factors
Populations controlled by density-dependent factors show a boom and bust on a graph Exponential growth when conditions are favorable, then many die when conditions change. Thrips, aphids, and other Insects (pg 127)

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