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Presentation on theme: "AIRWAY MANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Upper Airway

3 Lower Airway (Mechanics of Respiration)

4 Airway Management Assess for Airway Obstruction!
Difficulty breathing Patient conduct (anxious, combative) Abnormal sounds Improve/Establish Airway Through Maneuvers Chin lift Jaw thrust Remove Debris/Suction Airway Adjuncts: Nasal airway (Primary) Oral airway

5 Airway Obstruction The most common obstruction is from a prolapsed tongue! Why?

6 Airway Obstruction Blood Clots, Teeth Soft Tissue & Bones Swelling
Position of Head Head Injury

7 Improve/Establish Airway
Chin Lift Method (NON-TRAUMA)

8 Improve/Establish Airway
Jaw Thrust Method

9 Remove Debris and Suction

10 Nasopharyngeal Airway

11 Nasopharyngeal Airway
Lubricate ! Insert along floor of nasal cavity If resistance met, use back-and forth motion Don’t Force – Use other nostril If patient gags, withdraw slightly

12 Oral Pharyngeal Airway

13 Oral Pharyngeal Airway
Measure Confirm patient is unconscious Insert, rotate 180 degrees as inserting

14 Questions?


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