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Group 3 Day 2.

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1 Group 3 Day 2

2 Group 3 - Countries Russian Federation Bulgaria Belarus Moldova Ukraine Kyrgyz Republic Kazakhstan Uzbekistan

3 Summary of Discussions
Who should develop performance indicators? Indicators should be developed by a government body responsible for policymaking in a given sector by engaging local authorities (if the government program is developed at the national and subnational levels) External evaluation (clearance) – MOF, MOE, and academic community. The adoption authority depends on the level at which government programs are adopted (e.g. parliament, government, line ministries, etc.).

4 Should indicators distinguish between levels and type of spending/spending units?
Indicators should primarily capture the effectiveness of government programs Types of indicators: - qualitative (performance) indicators; - quantitative indicators; -effectiveness indicators (budget resources spent on a specific intervention, service). Cross-sector indicators within government programs are adopted by government decision (a government agency in charge is appointed)

5 How should monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators be conducted to assess program effectiveness and how should information be used? By putting in place a centralized framework comprising: A coordinating government body (e.g. Ministry of Economy in Russia an Belarus); Line ministries (government program clients); Budget beneficiaries; Chamber of Accounts Throughout the fiscal year line ministries – government program clients and implementing units – conduct monitoring exercises. Evaluation (high-level monitoring) is performed by the government and coordinating government agency. A more thorough analysis is conducted less frequently by the Chamber of Accounts and other audit bodies.

6 The following must be ensured:
Results of implementation of government programs must be made public (in an accessible and easy to understand format): posted on government websites, in explanatory notes to the budget, etc.; Transparency; Consideration and analysis of budget requests in the course of (forward-looking) budget preparation and audit of budget execution.

7 Thank you

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