Unit 7-A (B): Encoding: Getting Information In

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1 Unit 7-A (B): Encoding: Getting Information In
Mr. McCormick A.P. Psychology

2 Do-Now (Discussion) What are the 3 processes of memory?
What are the 3 stages of memory? What was criticized about the Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model of Memory?

3 How We Encode: Automatic Vs. Effortful Processing
Automatic Processing: Unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information, such as word meanings Effortful Processing: Encoding that requires attention and conscious information

4 How We Encode: Automatic Vs. Effortful Processing
What are some things that you might encode through automatic processing? What are some things that you might encode through effortful processing?

5 How We Encode: Automatic Vs. Effortful Processing
Without writing it down, how could you attempt to remember a new phone number?

6 Rehearsal Rehearsal: The conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage Hermann Ebbinghaus: Rehearsal using non-sense syllables

7 Rehearsal The more times the nonsense syllables were practiced on Day 1, the fewer repetitions were required to remember them on Day 2.

8 Spacing Effect Spacing Effect:
The tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

9 Serial Position Effect
Our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

10 Serial Position Effect
How could you apply the principles of the Spacing Effect and Serial Position Effect to your own study habits?

11 Types of Encoding Visual Encoding: Acoustic Encoding:
The encoding of picture images Imagery Mnemonic devices Acoustic Encoding: The encoding of sound, especially the sound of words Semantic Encoding: The encoding of meaning, including the meaning of words

12 Chunking Chunking: Organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically

13 Organizing Information for Encoding

14 Review Differentiate between the following ways in which we encode information: Automatic Processing Effortful Processing Rehearsal Spacing Effect Serial Position Effect Visual Encoding Acoustic Encoding Semantic Encoding Chunking

15 Homework Unit 7 Key People Unit 7 FRQ
Research Study Response # 16: “Thanks for the Memories!” (Pgs ) Chapter 9 Outline: “Thinking, Problem-Solving, Creativity, and Language”

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