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Photosynthesis STANDARD: 1d Students know that chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for photosynthesis.

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2 Photosynthesis STANDARD: 1d Students know that chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for photosynthesis

3 The Sun!! Photosynthesis
Where does the energy come from that sustains all life? The Sun!!

4 Photosynthesis (terms)
Autotroph: “self-feeding” producer, can make its own energy Heterotroph: “other-feeding” consumer, eats another consumer or autotroph for energy Like catabolic and anabolic because you can kick it up a bit. Could add the guy on the right for heterotroph.


6 I. Photosynthesis Using sunlight to make glucose (sugar)
B. Happens in the chloroplast Chlorophyll CHLOROPLAST

7 Water, carbon dioxide and sunlight enter
1. Chlorophyll (green pigment) captures the sunlight 2. CO2 enters through the stomata (openings in the leaf) 3. water enters through the roots

8 D. Glucose and oxygen are produced. 1. Glucose is the plant’s food. 2
D. Glucose and oxygen are produced 1. Glucose is the plant’s food 2. O2 is released through the stomata since it is not needed.

9 E. Equation for photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight  C6H12O6 + 6O2 .

10 Tracking Atoms in Photosynthesis…
Reactants Reactants 6 CO2 6 H2O Products C6H12O O2

11 Photosynthesis Extension
The rate of photosynthesis depends on temperature light intensity CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration availability of H2O (water) Identify

12 What is the independent and dependent variable?

13 Great for screen savers during this week...

14 More screen savers…



17 Photosynthesis Animation

18 Draw a picture of photosynthesis
Include the following terms: plant water leaf glucose stomata sunlight chloroplast oxygen chlorophyll carbon dioxide

19 Chloroplast leaf stomata roots roots Chlorophyll sunlight oxygen
glucose carbon dioxide stomata Chlorophyll water roots roots Chloroplast

20 Cellular Respiration Standard 1d
Students know that mitochondria liberate energy for the work that cells do

21 Storing and Releasing Energy
Do Not Copy Storing and Releasing Energy During photosynthesis, plants capture energy from sunlight and “save” it in the form of sugar. When the cells need energy they “withdraw” it by breaking down the sugar to make ATP This is called Cellular Respiration

22 I. Cellular respiration
A. Breaking down glucose to make ATP for the cell B. Happens in the mitochondria mitochondria

23 C. Glucose and oxygen enter
1. Animals a. glucose is eaten b. oxygen is inhaled (breath) 2. Plants a. make their own glucose b. oxygen enters through the stomata

24 D. ATP is made for the cell E. CO2 and water are released as waste

25 Glucose oxygen carbon water energy dioxide
F. Equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Glucose oxygen carbon water energy dioxide ATP


27 http://glencoe. mheducation

28 Overview respiration photosynthesis
sunlight--> glucose glucose --> ATP chloroplast mitochondria

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