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Classroom Management Tricks of the Trade Presented by: Stephanie L. Gallop Induction and Success Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management Tricks of the Trade Presented by: Stephanie L. Gallop Induction and Success Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management Tricks of the Trade Presented by: Stephanie L. Gallop Induction and Success Coach

2 Controlling Your Classroom The main goal of discipline is for the student to accept responsibility for his/her own actions. Here are some tips that should be followed before, during, and after a lesson to help create a positive learning environment.

3 Before the Lesson… Be prepared. Write detailed lesson plans Set standards in the classroom.

4 During The Lesson… 1. Remain businesslike while teaching 2. Begin instruction with an attention-getter. 3. Speak softly but firmly. 4. Establish and maintain a daily routine.

5 During the Lesson… 5. Do not give students time to get out of control. 6. Speak to students at their level for clearer understanding. 7. Trust students and take an interest in each one of them. 8. Discourage calling out or chorus answers.

6 After The Lesson… 1. Assign/check assignments and homework 2. Provide feedback on work (asap) 3. Transition efficiently

7 Steps to Effective Classroom Management Step 1: Teach your Expectations before each activity or transition begins.

8 Step 2: Monitor student behavior by circulating and visually scanning.

9 Step 3: Provide feedback during the activity and at the end of the activity

10 Tricks of the Trade… Give me five –Eyes on speaker –Quiet –Be Still –Hands free (put things down) –Listen

11 Calendar –Homework – Class work – Discipline

12 A Discipline Plan –Rules –Consequences –Rewards POST IT

13 Teach expectations –C.H.A.M.P.S. –A.C.H.I.E.V.E. –through a PPT. A.C. C.H. H.A. I. M. E.P. V.S. E.

14 Index cards for repetitious behavior

15 Behavior contracts

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