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The Near War: John adams struggles with France

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1 The Near War: John adams struggles with France

2 The French Revolution’s Affect
Since 1792 the French had been struggling to first overthrow the French king and second reorganize their government. The citizens of France had executed their king and installed a new government led by the Directory (a council) that controlled the executive powers The rest of the world was nervous (including the United States) of what France might become.

3 France and the rest of Europe at war
Just like England before and after them France captured and robbed U.S. ships in the Atlantic Ocean. Americans wanted to avoid war but did not want to look weak and encourage more piracy and impressment by the French.

4 The XYZ Affair President Adams sent three American ministers (not church men) to France to negotiate an end to hostilities with France. The Americans met with France’s foreign minister. The French minister and the people who worked for him were corrupt and demanded a loan for the French government as well as personal bribes for him. The Americans got insulted and left France. President Adams Minister Talleyrand

5 John Adams reaction to the XYZ Affair
Adams and many in the Federalist Party demanded that something be done to protect the United States against foreign threats. The so-called Alien and Sedition Acts were passed and created strict punishments were created for anyone who was believed to be sympathetic to France or criticize the U.S. government. People all over the U.S. became paranoid of foreigners. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison secretly wrote a series of articles called the Virginia and Kentucky resolves that criticized these laws.

6 Assignment: Fear and Xenophobia
Write a short paragraph (5-8) about Adams’ reaction to the XYZ Affair. Compare his fears to anything that is happening or has recently happened in the U.S. related to foreign countries and their people. Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class.

7 Image sources content/uploads/2011/05/ g Y/T5_CXogci3I/AAAAAAAAHjk/fdyxaOD4J1g/s16 00/impressment_by_royal_navy.jpg thumb/4/40/Talleyrand_02.jpg/220px- Talleyrand_02.jpg untitled2.png

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