Law School 1 Using Blackboard Assignment tool for e-submission, e-marking, e-feedback Jane Daly 21 st March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Law School 1 Using Blackboard Assignment tool for e-submission, e-marking, e-feedback Jane Daly 21 st March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law School 1 Using Blackboard Assignment tool for e-submission, e-marking, e-feedback Jane Daly 21 st March 2013

2 Law School 2 Aim To introduce using Blackboard assignment tool for e-submission, e-marking and e- feedback To share some of the experiences of staff and students in piloting the use of it for the Assessment and Feedback Project

3 Law School 6/2/2014 3 Introductory look at: Assessment and Feedback Project The submission and feedback process Some problems identified at different stages of the e-process Possible ways for improvement Outline

4 Law School 4 Assessment and Feedback Project Project website: To enhance the students experience of assessment at Staffordshire University To ensure consistency in the management of assessment throughout the University.

5 Law School Current Practice Module: Housing Law and Advice LWU10003-5 & LWU10007-6-2012-1-2012-1 Tutor: Jane Daly 1 Assessment, 2 tasks 1 submission Student LecturerDigital submission BB Digital Feedback Blackboard Assignment Tool My Grades

6 Law School 6/2/2014 6 Submission First Marker Second Marker Internal Moderation Provisional Mark and Feedback Day 1 Day 28 The Process Back to Module Leader External Moderation

7 Law School 7 Pre-submission preparation for students Guidance in using on-line submission Availability of tutor and e-learning facilitator to deal with any questions pre- submission deadline – Online Socialisation

8 Law School 8 8

9 6/2/2014 9 9

10 Law School 6/2/2014 10

11 Law School 6/2/2014 11 Submission Issues 1. Wrong formatting of assignment 2. Wrong assignment submitted 3. File not attached 4. Paper submissions 5. No acknowledgement of receipt for submission 6. Late submissions

12 Law School 6/2/2014 12 Receipt for submission No acknowledgement sent to student confirming receipt of assignment Concern for many students

13 Law School 6/2/2014 13 Late submissions The submission link in the assignment tab hidden from student view after the submission deadline Special provision must be made for students who submit late One possible solution is to include a second submission link in the assignment tab which is expressly for late submissions

14 Law School 6/2/2014 14 e-marking Blackboard Grade Centre Staff training

15 Law School 6/2/2014 15 Grade Centre Blackboard COURSE MANAGEMENT Grade Centre Drop down: Needs Marking Full Grade Centre Assignments Tests

16 Law School 6/2/2014 16 Needs Marking Lists all students who have submitted including the date and time of submission

17 Law School 6/2/2014 17 Screen shot of Needs Marking page

18 Law School 6/2/2014 18 Insert screen shot of full grade centre showing needs marking symbol

19 Law School 6/2/2014 19 Limitation on marking in Grade Centre Currently, a marker needs to download scripts to PC if comments are to be added to the scripts Upload to Blackboard Grade Assignment Converter expected next year.

20 Law School 6/2/2014 20 Screen shot of Grade Assignment

21 Law School 6/2/2014 21

22 Law School 6/2/2014 22 Issues with Second Marking Choice of scripts Identifying in Grade Centre which scripts have been second marked

23 Law School 6/2/2014 23 Moderation by the External Examiner Access to BB as an external examiner Training Email from Module Leader : 1. Notifying scripts ready for moderation, 2. Identifying which scripts had been second marked Feedback from External on scripts and on-line process

24 Law School 6/2/2014 24 Release of Marks and Feedback Issues: 1. Unintended early release 2. Approval of any claims for extenuating circumstances by students submitting late. BB is not linked to Thesis 3. Admin staff do not have access to BB so they need to be given marks to upload to Thesis 4. Agree with External Examiner timing of adding any comments on Grade Centre 5. Delay in release

25 Law School 6/2/2014 25 Remember This is one experience of several pilots that are being undertaken Purpose is to identify and then resolve issues in readiness for general roll out.

26 Law School 6/2/2014 26 Next steps All findings from the pilots will be fed back to the Project Look out for the results on the Project website: Consider future use in your practice

27 Law School 6/2/2014 27 Any Questions?

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