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Nathaniel Mills – NHS Innovation Manager

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1 Nathaniel Mills – NHS Innovation Manager

2 Background D4D Embedded within the NHS & acting as portals to the NHS
A national resource capable of getting new treatments and technologies into practice more quickly, improving healthcare quality and well-being for patients Connected to & intended to add value to all stakeholders TITCH network 2008: 2 pilot HTC’s 2013: 8 NIHR HTC’s 2018: NIHR Devices for Dignity MedTech Co-operative Focus across the life course Who are d4d and what do they do? HTC’s have a specialist theme – d4d have focused on assistvie and rehabilitative tech, renal and urology, but always with a focus on LTC’s D4D medtech a renewed focus on multiple LTC’s: By 2018 an estimated 2.9million people in England will be living with two or more long-term health conditions. New focus across the life course - We will look at the challenges that arise from combinations of long-term conditions in people of all ages, which impact their independence and quality of life. These restrictions include poor mobility, limb function, bladder problems, impaired speech, depression and pain. Part of our vision for the coming five years will be to reduce, treat, or improve the management of these restrictions, through the use of technologies designed in collaboration with users. TITCH Also supports the other HTC’s with paed network

3 The issues Lack of targeted and appropriate health technology and innovation specifically for children Repurposing of adult technologies – suboptimal results Children with long term conditions are surviving for longer Technology will offer better opportunities for children in the future We know that children with LTC’s are surviving longer… And we know that getting care and treatment right in childhood goes along way to children growing up to be healthy productive adults

4 Barriers Fragmentation Lack of collaboration
Lack of interest from industry to innovate Lack of national infrastructure support Broad understanding of unmet needs for children required

5 Focus Scale and sharing of knowledge Quality of life Length of life
Change in anatomy and physiology during growth Economic impact - Majority of health research and innovation funding focuses on the perceived ‘biggest’ healthcare burdens – large groups of adult populations with LTC’s Developing and trialing paediaitrc technologies has greater challenges than adult technologies for ethical and regulatory reasons – some of these are real and some area perceptual but all area barriers to paediatric technology innovation Shape, geometry, size, physiological development, mental development, emotional development are all very different (adults to children) and there is a much greater variation across the new born to young adult spectrum

6 How? Unmet needs identification Events Funding opportunities
Support for industry, clinicians, children and families Project support through D4D and wider network Over 100 unmet needs identified Multiple events Children and families at the centre of the process Supported over 80 SME’s Supported over 40 clinicians and academics

7 So what? SBRI – brief and projects ‘Pitch to Titch’
Patient virtual guide Paed faecal incontinence diagnostic A wide network of children and families Across different specialities Part of the Gen R children's research group Projects and funding 80 SBRI applications 9 phase 1 projects funded Soon to be announced 5 phase 2 projects funded Talks ongoing for another call for paediatrics PVG – children transferred to big centres FI - Faecal incontinence is often a symptom of dehabilitating paediatric conditions that can progress into severe geriatric consequences. Despite the fact that many of the underlying conditions can be treated, limited diagnostic tools and care pathways available to clinicians can lead to significant under-reporting – clinical trial in 2018 in adults and children


9 TITCH is a network of organizations, people, knowledge, skills and experience. It brings together:
Paediatric clinical specialists Technologists Designers Academics Businesses Innovators PPI Generation R

10 (Anmol Landa, young persons advisory group)
“It is too common, where adults say ‘we work with children so we know’ and then produce a product which is impractical for young people. Having young people on the panel gives another perspective when assessing innovations as we pick up certain aspects that adults over look or deem less important” (Anmol Landa, young persons advisory group)

11 @titchinnovate

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