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Presentation on theme: "AND THE CONFLICT THEORY"— Presentation transcript:

KARL MARX FOUNDER OF COMMUNISM AND THE CONFLICT THEORY “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.

2 KARL MARX Born in Germany 1818
Began attending Socialist meetings in Germany Wrote The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels Though ignored in his life, his ideas gained rapid acceptance after his death in 1883

3 G. W. F. Hegel Influenced Marx
Believed unity could only be achieved by equalizing all opposites

Pamphlet written by Marx & Engels Summarized the inevitable revolution, communist society that would be born from it

5 “The history of all hitherto. existing society is the
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” “Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!”

6 MARXISM The theory of the nature of history and politics as
well as a prescription for revolutionary action to bring the industrial working class to power and create a classless society.

7 Bourgeoisie  class of capitalists (ruling class)
Society divided into two distinct classes: Bourgeoisie  class of capitalists (ruling class) Proletariat  class of wage laborers (working class)

8 Marx’s Theory Economics formed basis of human activities, determined who had power in society Believed working class (proletariat) was oppressed by the ruling class (bourgeoisie) feudalism, where land owners exploited peasantry, gave rise to a class of merchants, whose dedication to making profits led to the bourgeois revolution (capitalism). Similarly, the class relations of capitalism will lead inevitably to the next stage, socialism.

9 to achieve a classless socialist society:
1.) Abolish property in land 2) Raise income taxes from rich 3) Abolish inheritance rights 4) Confiscate emigrant/rebel property 5) Centralize Credit and banking 6) Centralize means of communication 7) Extension of factories, cultivate wastelands 8) Equalize liability to all laborers 9) Abolish distinction between town and country, equalize population distribution 10) Free education for children, abolish child labor in its present form

10 October Revolution 1917 Russia Becomes the Soviet Union in 1917 under the leadership of Lenin China Becomes Communist Officially in 1949 But China was heavily influenced by Communism as early as 1911 Vladimir Lenin

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