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Treaty of Versailles.

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1 Treaty of Versailles

2 Versailles Overview 32 victorious countries met at the Palace of Versailles (just outside Paris, France) Because of our strong role in the war effort, Canada was represented as a single nation at the meetings & at the official treaty signing. Main decisions were made by the so-called “Big Three” (Britain, France, USA) Germany was not invited to the peace talks

3 The Big Three United States….Woodrow Wilson
Great Britain….David Lloyd George France….George Clemenceau

4 U.S Post War World Woodrow Wilson
Wanted settlement to ensure lasting peace Defeated countries should be treated fairly Wilson’s “fourteen points” included free trade & disarmament League of Nations be set up to settle future disputes by promoting cooperation between countries Woodrow Wilson

5 British Post War World David Lloyd George
British had lost many citizens in the war British citizens wanted Germany to pay for what they had done PM felt a harsh treaty might cause bitterness that would cause Germany to seek revenge in the future David Lloyd George

6 French Post War World Georges Clemenceau Wanted to avoid another war
Thought Germany should pay for starting the war & the damage caused in the war He wanted to ensure that Germany was too weak to ever attack France again Georges Clemenceau

7 Terms of Treaty 1)Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war. This was Clause the infamous "War Guilt Clause". 2)Germany had to pay reparations (6.6 billion Pounds), the bulk of which would go to France & Belgium to pay for the damage done to the infrastructure of both countries by the war. (Clause 232) 3)A League of Nations was set up to keep world peace.

8 Terms of Treaty (cont’d)
4) Germany not permitted an air force, the army was not allowed tanks. German army reduced to men. Germany only allowed 6 naval ships and no submarines. 5) All German colonies taken away and Germany reduced in size



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