(c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues

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Presentation on theme: "(c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues"— Presentation transcript:

1 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 1: Jesus my Lord, my God, my All, Hear me, my Savior, when I call; Hear me, and from Your dwelling place Pour down the riches of Your grace.

2 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 2: Jesus, 'twas You too late I sought; How can I love You as I ought? And how extol Your matchless fame, The glorious beauty of Your name?

3 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Chorus: Jesus, my Lord, I adore You; O make me love You more and more. Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my love, I adore You.

4 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 3: Jesus, what did You find in me That you have dealt so lovingly? How great the joy that You have brought, So far exceeding hope or thought.

5 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Chorus: Jesus, my Lord, I adore You; O make me love You more and more. Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my love, I adore You.

6 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 4: Jesus, to You I raise my song; To You my heart and soul belong, All that I have or am is Yours And You, my Savior, I adore.

7 (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
I Adore You (c) 2002 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues Chorus: Jesus, my Lord, I adore You; O make me love You more and more. Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my love, I adore You.

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