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Apical Cytokinin mitosis leaf node Auxin cell elongation.

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Presentation on theme: "Apical Cytokinin mitosis leaf node Auxin cell elongation."— Presentation transcript:

1 apical Cytokinin mitosis leaf node Auxin cell elongation

2 gibberellin elongation of internodal regions

3 Apical meristem Zone of elongation Leaf node Internodal region
Tip of root or shoot where cell division occurs cytokinin Zone of elongation Area behind the apical meristem where cells enlarge auxin Leaf node Area on stem from which a lateral leaf grows Internodal region Length affected by gibberellin node Internodal region Area of the stem between leaf nodes gibberellin

4 promotes cell division
at the meristems cytokinins

5 causes cells elongation
AUXIN Small new cell from mitosis Large elongated cell causes cells elongation in zone of elongation auxin

6 stem elongation gibberellin

7 Summary table page 39 CCEA A2 text QUESTION 3 PAGE 45









16 Light is perceived by the tip of the coleoptile.
darwin The coleoptile is positively phototropic. It bends towards the light by unequal elongation of the region just behind the tip. Light is perceived by the tip of the coleoptile.

17 boysen - jensen Mica prevents movement of auxin from the tip to the shaded side of the coleoptile.

18 Auxin diffused into the agar block.
went Auxin diffused into the agar block. Auxin from the block diffused down one side of the shoot, causing cells to elongate and the shoot to bend. Auxin is produced in the tip but the cells behind the tip respond to its affect. Tip on gelatine block exposed to light. Tip replaced by off centre block and placed in dark. Shoot grew bent


20 PHYTOCHROME: controls flowering
RED light in daylight P660 P730 FAR RED light Slow conversion in dark

21 short day plants

22 long day plants

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