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Iranian Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Iranian Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iranian Revolution

2 Background on the Shah First came to power during WWII
Deposed in the late 1940’s Reinstalled by a CIA- led coup in 1953 that was approved by the Eisenhower administration Background on the Shah

3 The “ White” Revolution
Divested the clergy of their vast landholdings Declared new rights for women Right to vote Right to attend university Dramatically increased urbanization and industrialization Ayatollah Khomeini is exiled after he criticizes the Shah The “ White” Revolution

4 Most Iranians did not want to abandon their rich heritage for Western Ways
Found inspiration in the sermons of Muslim leaders who denounced the material West The Shah maintained control with harsh repression and brutality SAVAK Westernize or Bust

5 The Shah Abdicates Demonstrations increased demanding the Shah be deposed Demonstrators demanded the return of the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini The Shah leaves the country on January 16th, 1979 The Ayatollah was invited back (February)

6 Sunday, November 4, 1979 the US Embassy in Teheran is stormed
66 hostages taken 13 released immediately (Women and African Americans) “Marg Bar Amrika!”

7 Hostage Demands Return the Shah for trial
Return the Shah’s wealth to the people of Iran Admission of guilt by the US An apology and promise to stay out of Iran’s affairs Hostage Demands

8 President Carter’s Response
Refused to send the Shah back Froze all Iranian Government financial assets Forbade American companies from buying Iranian oil President Carter’s Response

9 Response at Home Renewed Patriotism Frustration
Crisis is a national obsession Yellow ribbons Frustration April 7th: Carter cuts off diplomatic relations with Iran Complete economic embarg0 Iranian assets in the US are seized and Iranian diplomats are told to leave within 24 hours Response at Home

10 April 24th, 1980: Multiple step mission involving helicopters, buses, and the CIA
Flying at night and in a minor sandstorm 3 helicopters disabled, 1 collides with a transports killing 8 soldiers Operation Eagle Claw

11 Carter Accepts the Blame
Ayatollah Khomeini claims the failure as a sign that God is with him, gaining more Iranian popularity 2nd rescue attempt is not possible as the hostages were them split up among many locations Carter’s popularity sinks The Shah dies in July Carter Accepts the Blame

12 1980 Presidential Campaign
Reagan realizes that the hostage issue would determine the elections Promises return of the hostages Wins in a landslide, Nov. 4th 1980 Presidential Campaign

13 Carter released $8 billion in frozen Iranian assets the morning of the inauguration
The Hostages board planes and come home AMERICA!! Hostages Freed

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