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Bridging the Gap Training Days

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Gap Training Days"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Gap Training Days
An Overview – Amanda Cartwright

2 Transitions in training

3 Medical school Preparedness

4 Anxiety Age Group N Mean Anxiety Score 21-25 1192 4.53

5 Expectaions - Eportfolio

6 Prescribing

7 Overall

8 The Journey

9 BTG – What’s on offer ?

10 Statistics for 2015 – 2016 Total number of courses originally offered: 53 Total number of courses cancelled: 8 Total number of places available: 870 Total number of trainees who have attended / booked on: 531 (This includes a number of trainees that have attended more than 1 course) Total number of FY2 trainees in the region: 614 Number of trainees not registered for a course: 83 @NHS_HealthEdEng

11 Statistics for 2015 – 2016 Cont’ East Yorks planned 22 courses (4 of which were cancelled due to low numbers or strike action) The 18 courses that ran / will run provided 281 places of which approx 172 places have been / will be used. South Yorks planned 9 courses (2 of which were cancelled due to low numbers) The 7 courses that ran / will run provided 203 places of which approx 88 have been / will be used. West Yorks planned 24 courses (2 of which were cancelled due to low numbers) The 22 courses that ran / will run provided 386 places of which 271 have / will be used. @NHS_HealthEdEng

12 Plans for The Programme for is taking shape and it is hoped that the programme will be finalised before the start of the academic year to avoid the delays that were experienced this year. 26 courses have been confirmed offering over 500 places – However, more places are required as we have over 600 FY2 trainees across Y&H, so please can you confirm dates as soon as possible. Psychiatry is a specialty that is currently missing from the programme and it is hoped that this gap will be filled in @NHS_HealthEdEng

13 Plans for 2016 – 17 We are investigating the possibility of having an online booking system which will provide the foundation administrators with up to the minute details of who has booked on their courses and perhaps more importantly who amongst their FY2 trainees has not yet booked a place on a Bridging the Gap day. A huge thank you to all the administrators and the course providers for all their hard work – the courses have been well received and the trainees have gained a lot from them.

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