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Kodiak & Kodiak-X Presenters: Anker Peet Crew 1860 President

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Presentation on theme: "Kodiak & Kodiak-X Presenters: Anker Peet Crew 1860 President"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kodiak & Kodiak-X Presenters: Anker Peet Crew 1860 President
Play Opening Get to know you Games Have Anker lead the games Presenters: Anker Peet Crew 1860 President Ryan Anderson Crew 1860 Advisor

2 NOL: Nature of Leadership
VLSC: Venture Leadership Skills Course The NOL or the Nature of Leadership is the current program for venturing leadership development. It current has 3 modules with 2 more being added over the next months. VLSC: is the first phase of the nature of leadership series. It is designed to me run by the crew it is set over a 1 day or an overnight stay. It is designed to be in an indoor classroom setting. In fact there is one going on right now up the hall. The VLSC as well as all the other components of Venturing is designed to be run and taught b the youth in the crew. With only minimal advisor input. One of the major premises to the NOL series is that there are no born leaders. That leaders have acquired leadership skills and put them into use. The NOL series teaches leadership skills and creates a laboratory to test them in.

3 VLSC To give Venturers a basic understanding of what leadership skills are. Introduce Venturers to basic leadership skills Get them thinking about their roles as leaders Offer opportunities during the course to do things that will improve their leadership skills and help the crew To explain how VLSC, Kodiak and Kodiak X relate Prepare them for a Kodiak trek The VLSC is designed to run as a crew. I have seen large VLSC and if you have a group of 10 or more you loose what makes it work. I would recommend braking into smaller groups and running different VLSC simotainiously. If you don’t then the loud will remain loud and the quiet will remain quiet.

4 NOL: Nature of Leadership
VLSC: Venture Leadership Skills Course Kodiak Kodiak and Kodiak X syllabuses go against what most of us would consider proper teaching techniques. Most of the time we study and learn a concept them we teach them in or own words. This is absolutely incorrect when it comes to Kodiak and Kodiak X. This one concept I found the single most difficult these course. You absolutely positively must read word for word out of the syllabus. This actually takes a lot more prep time than a normal teaching situation. Because you cant just wing it. You have to give the scripted questions and scenarios. I will give some examples of that later today. Anker gave some good examples of this in his opening games. The other part of Kodiak and Kodiak X is that you are not supposed to pick and choose. BSA has requested that the games and activities in the course some of which we are going to be doing today are not used outside of the course. That way the message is not diluted and the youth get the full impact of the course. The other thing to be careful of is over planning. Having to much to do in a limited time. This is really a good, better, best situation. You are going to have to choose at times what you want to do. Also remember to stay flexible if you need to move stuff around then by all means move it. We had actually planned to do our closing ceremony 3 days after the Kodiak when the young men’s parents could be there and participate with them. Kodiak is designed to have a 2 person instruction team for a crew of 5-8 ventures. You can run as many crews as you want but each needs to have their own 2 instructors. Ideally these instructors are made up of a youth and an advisor. With that being said what is a Kodiak?

5 Kodiak Based on nature Based on the servant leadership concept
Overlaid on a trip, trek, or activity Offered by units, districts, and councils Relevant to participants Flexible…be willing to modify schedule FUN!!! Kodiak is the second part of the NOL series. It is a leadership course set in nature designed to create situations to learn leadership skills. The examples in the Kodiak use examples from nature to teach leadership: IE: geese flying, beavers building a dam and so on. The servant leadership philosophy teaches that the leader works with and through a team to accomplish the mission. It is not someone simply barking orders but leading by example and working together to accomplish the goal. Every person on a Kodiak Course will have the opportunity to be a leader. This is set on a high adventure course. Just about anything you want is OK. Let me rephrase that anything your crew wants is OK. The biggest thing to watch out for is that the course is not to aggressive. You need to make sure that the youth are not so exhausted that they are unable to pay attention during class times. So with that being said not all high adventure activities are ideally suited for a Kodiak. As you are planning your event a good rule of thumb is to plan about 2 one hour sessions and a few shorter sessions through out each day to teach your commission or reinforcement exercise. This best part about this is you can do it as big or small as you want. BSA has offered both the Kodiak and Kodiak X syllabus to several other organizations to teach leadership skills. You can run it as a crew, district or council. In fact if your sponsoring organization has a large youth group you can do it there. The syllabus keeps things relevant. It uses examples and situations the participants are familiar with and reinforces these same principles in other commissions and exercises. So you will learn a concept on Monday and have an activity Wednesday that reminds and reinforces the leadership concepts. And most important of all Fun.

6 Kodiak Commissions Effective team Values and Vision Communication
The Kodiak teaches these leadership skills by way of commitions. The commissions are symbolically represented by the Kodiak Bear Claw. Now this is a side note. BSA offer two types of bear claws the first and what the syllabus calls for are these wood ruff cut claws that the youth carve into their own set of claws. They also sell plastic premade claws. In the course I took from national they left it up to each of us what we used. There are some purist out there that swear by the wood ones. I bought a set and tried to carve my claws before our course so I could show the boys what they were supposed to have. The claws were of such poor quality they kept breaking. I then took them to a friend who is a much better carver than I and he said the same thing. IF you want to have them carve their claws make or find higher quality blanks for them to use. I personally am going to stick with the plastic ones. You also give them symbols of each of the leadership commissions. They re given a leadership bag during the first commission that they keep these in. I have scene everything from zip locks to cloth pouches to leather bags. We bought our your leather bags from the Crazy Crow trading company. Though out the course you need to remind and ask the youth what the commissions they already have are. We actually had a separate stack of beads we gave them as they showed leadership skills or answered questions correctly. Effective team: The beavers and the geese were the examples here. There are a series of activities that illustrate how teams work together. Values and vision: The commission the youth are asked to create a list of qualities they want in leader. Then they are asked to write a testimonial about themselves they would like read at their 75 birthday. We take some time to compare and contrast these. Communication: We had some examples of that earlier today but now I think Bryndan is going to have you do another demonstration on communication from the Kodiak syllabus. I believe this is actually a reinforcement exercise. Decision Making: there is a game that the youth play and a discussion surrounding the game that helps illustrate the principle. After that there are several reinforcement activities that are done over the next 2 days. Planning: We start to tie everything together and have some activities that illustrate effective and poor planning.

7 Kodiak Commissions Effective team Values and Vision Communication
Decision Making Planning The Kodiak teaches these leadership skills by way of commitions. The commissions are symbolically represented by the Kodiak Bear Claw. Now this is a side note. BSA offer two types of bear claws the first and what the syllabus calls for are these wood ruff cut claws that the youth carve into their own set of claws. They also sell plastic premade claws. In the course I took from national they left it up to each of us what we used. There are some purist out there that swear by the wood ones. I bought a set and tried to carve my claws before our course so I could show the boys what they were supposed to have. The claws were of such poor quality they kept breaking. I then took them to a friend who is a much better carver than I and he said the same thing. IF you want to have them carve their claws make or find higher quality blanks for them to use. I personally am going to stick with the plastic ones. You also give them symbols of each of the leadership commissions. They re given a leadership bag during the first commission that they keep these in. I have scene everything from zip locks to cloth pouches to leather bags. We bought our your leather bags from the Crazy Crow trading company. Though out the course you need to remind and ask the youth what the commissions they already have are. We actually had a separate stack of beads we gave them as they showed leadership skills or answered questions correctly. Effective team: The beavers and the geese were the examples here. There are a series of activities that illustrate how teams work together. Values and vision: The commission the youth are asked to create a list of qualities they want in leader. Then they are asked to write a testimonial about themselves they would like read at their 75 birthday. We take some time to compare and contrast these. Communication: We had some examples of that earlier today but now I think Bryndan is going to have you do another demonstration on communication from the Kodiak syllabus. I believe this is actually a reinforcement exercise. Decision Making: there is a game that the youth play and a discussion surrounding the game that helps illustrate the principle. After that there are several reinforcement activities that are done over the next 2 days. Planning: We start to tie everything together and have some activities that illustrate effective and poor planning.

8 NOL: Nature of Leadership
VLSC: Venture Leadership Skills Course Kodiak Kodiak X Kodiak X is the 3rd and currently final level of the NOL. It is designed to take place several weeks or months after the Kodiak and is similar to the VLSC in that it is designed to be more of a classroom setting, over a long weekend. There a 8-14 leadership challenges that take place that can be done inside or outside depending on what you have available to you and the weather. There are an additional 2 commissions bringing the total up to 7. The great part about the Kodiak x is that it picks up and reinforces where the Kodiak left off. This also has a youth/Advisor teaching team splitting the instruction as they are comfortable doing. But don’t take my word for it Bryndan is going to show you. Play Popcorn game These have all of the standard BSA requirements for any course they put on. They must be self sustaining, sanctioned by the proper authorities and follow all other standard guides. Again I want to reiterate the importance of following the Syllabus exactly. This is absolutely critical. We have played some great games today and I am going to ask you a very difficult task. Do not go back and play them in your crews. Be inspired and take your crew on a Kodiak and show them there.

9 Kodiak X Reinforces and adds to what was taught on Kodiak
Not on a high adventure trek Two additional commissions Can be taught in 2-3 day event Prop intensive best if good weather or having large indoor area

10 Kodiak/Kodiak X Commissions
Effective team Values and Vision Communication Decision Making Planning Evaluating Performance Mentoring The Kodiak teaches these leadership skills by way of commotions. The commissions are symbolically represented by the Kodiak Bear Claw. Now this is a side note. BSA offer two types of bear claws the first and what the syllabus calls for are these wood ruff cut claws that the youth carve into their own set of claws. They also sell plastic premade claws. In the course I took from national they left it up to each of us what we used. There are some purist out there that swear by the wood ones. I bought a set and tried to carve my claws before our course so I could show the boys what they were supposed to have. The claws were of such poor quality they kept breaking. I then took them to a friend who is a much better carver than I and he said the same thing. IF you want to have them carve their claws make or find higher quality blanks for them to use. I personally am going to stick with the plastic ones. You also give them symbols of each of the leadership commissions. They are given a leadership bag during the first commission that they keep these in. I have scene everything from zip locks to cloth pouches to leather bags. We bought our your leather bags from the Crazy Crow trading company. Though out the course you need to remind and ask the youth what the commissions they already have are. We actually had a separate stack of beads we gave them as they showed leadership skills or answered questions correctly. Effective team: The beavers and the geese were the examples here. There are a series of activities that illustrate how teams work together. Values and vision: The commission the youth are asked to create a list of qualities they want in leader. Then they are asked to write a testimonial about themselves they would like read at their 75 birthday. We take some time to compare and contrast these. Communication: We had some examples of that earlier today but now I think Bryndan is going to have you do another demonstration on communication from the Kodiak syllabus. I believe this is actually a reinforcement exercise. Decision Making: there is a game that the youth play and a discussion surrounding the game that helps illustrate the principle. After that there are several reinforcement activities that are done over the next 2 days. Planning: We start to tie everything together and have some activities that illustrate effective and poor planning.

11 Evaluating Performance
What went well? What didn’t go well? What can we do better next time?

12 Kodiak/Kodiak X Commissions
Effective team Values and Vision Communication Decision Making Planning Evaluating Performance The Kodiak teaches these leadership skills by way of commotions. The commissions are symbolically represented by the Kodiak Bear Claw. Now this is a side note. BSA offer two types of bear claws the first and what the syllabus calls for are these wood ruff cut claws that the youth carve into their own set of claws. They also sell plastic premade claws. In the course I took from national they left it up to each of us what we used. There are some purist out there that swear by the wood ones. I bought a set and tried to carve my claws before our course so I could show the boys what they were supposed to have. The claws were of such poor quality they kept breaking. I then took them to a friend who is a much better carver than I and he said the same thing. IF you want to have them carve their claws make or find higher quality blanks for them to use. I personally am going to stick with the plastic ones. You also give them symbols of each of the leadership commissions. They are given a leadership bag during the first commission that they keep these in. I have scene everything from zip locks to cloth pouches to leather bags. We bought our your leather bags from the Crazy Crow trading company. Though out the course you need to remind and ask the youth what the commissions they already have are. We actually had a separate stack of beads we gave them as they showed leadership skills or answered questions correctly. Effective team: The beavers and the geese were the examples here. There are a series of activities that illustrate how teams work together. Values and vision: The commission the youth are asked to create a list of qualities they want in leader. Then they are asked to write a testimonial about themselves they would like read at their 75 birthday. We take some time to compare and contrast these. Communication: We had some examples of that earlier today but now I think Bryndan is going to have you do another demonstration on communication from the Kodiak syllabus. I believe this is actually a reinforcement exercise. Decision Making: there is a game that the youth play and a discussion surrounding the game that helps illustrate the principle. After that there are several reinforcement activities that are done over the next 2 days. Planning: We start to tie everything together and have some activities that illustrate effective and poor planning.

13 Course Director Training
Course Director Conferences (CDC) Regional Course Directors Conferences Available in all Regions


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