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Haverhill Rovers FC and Haverhill Community Sports Association

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Presentation on theme: "Haverhill Rovers FC and Haverhill Community Sports Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Haverhill Rovers FC and Haverhill Community Sports Association
Disabled and Disadvantaged Children’s Christmas Surprise

2 Haverhill Community Sports Association played host to 56 children which came from Linton Granta School, Haverhill Rovers Disability PDC and disadvantaged children of low income families from Haverhill. The children were aged between 3 and 16 and were treated to a disco and entertainment, some party food and a visit from a few special people. Thule Haverhill supported the event and a gift for every child was given by Santa and his helpers. Next are the photos from the event:

3 After having listened to the music and having a dance the children and helpers settled down to some party food with balloon shapes created on request!

4 After the food was eaten the children settled down for a very special visitor…

5 Elves and special helpers arrive with a sack and start the unpacking before the very important visitor arrives to make sure each of the children receive an individual gift from Santa himself.

6 Two other visitors arrive with Santa in the form of Marcus Hunt (one of the Elves) and Dan Cornwell both from Haverhill Rovers FC who pose with Santa and some of the children who have received their gifts.

7 Thanks must be given to Thule for supporting the event and lending Marcus Hunt for a couple of hours from his work. Thanks to both Marcus Hunt and Dan Cornwell for representing Haverhill Rovers FC and helping out special visitor Santa. Thanks also to Fiona Tokley for arranging the event for the children and all the HCSA helpers who made the event run smoothly.

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