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© 2003 University of Wisconsin

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1 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Last Time Sub-structuring Adaptive Meshing Hierarchical Radiosity 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

2 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Today Importance Better Form Factors Different Basis Functions Meshing 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

3 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Importance For a single image, only the visible surfaces are directly important Don’t care what’s “down the hall” Surfaces illuminating visible surfaces are also important, and other surfaces illuminating those surfaces… Importance propagates backwards from the “primary” sources of importance Visible surfaces are typically prime sources of importance 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

4 Solving for Importance
Ri is the inherent importance of a given element When radiosity is gathered, importance is shot Note the form factor in the above equation, and the reflectance term Use BIF as error estimate in determining subdivision Combine with multi-grid method Note: must use different push-pull operations for importance Push down area-weighted, pull up non-weighted 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

5 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Form Factor Errors Hemicube replaces the form factor double integral with a point to area form factor Assumes small changes over the source patch (Fij is Fsource-receive) Violated if patches are close – cosine terms and distances vary greatly Violated if visibility varies across source patch Limited hemicube resolution results in aliasing Small patches may not be seen, or may “beat” We talked about this last time Reciprocity relation used to compute progressive radiosity form factor is applied incorrectly 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

6 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Hemicube Beating Raw patch intensities Interpolated 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

7 Decoupling Hemicube Duties
Hemicube computes two distinct things: Visibility Sub-area form factors – uses pixel form factor to estimate point to element form factor Replace one of both with alternate methods Use hemicube visibility but compute patch to element form factors accurately Visibility from ray-casting Sub-area form factors from disc approximation 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

8 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Shooting to Vertices “Standard” progressive radiosity shoots from points to areas (due to hemicubes) Point is middle of shooting patch Area is the area of a receiving element Better to shoot from area to points: Area is source patch, point is receiving vertex Progressive radiosity really needs Fji Less aliasing under certain circumstances Radiosity is needed at vertices for display Greater control over receivers 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

9 Patch-to-Element Form Factors
Use hemi-cube to determine visible elements For each pixel, compute form factor from visible point back to the source patch, ie compute Fji directly Each pixel is a small piece of receiving element, and source patch may be large, so point-patch form factor is more accurate For each receiving element, area-weight sum the point-patch radiosities Which violated assumption of hemicube does this address? 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

10 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Ray-casting Aim: compute Cast rays from y to sub-patches, Pik, of Pi: Ray determines (constant) visibility for each sub-patch Then: 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

11 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Delta Form Factors We need to compute Fk Several possibilities Assume constant, evaluated using angles and radius for a point at the center of the patch (can be very bad) Use analytic methods, point-polygon (costly) Use disc approximation Assume sub-patch is a small disc Form factor for point-disc is known 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

12 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Enhancements Sample points on source can be varied Keep subdividing source patch until the estimate for each sub-patch is similar to that for its children Place receiving vertices on all surfaces - no chance to miss surfaces entirely Stratified sampling Arbitrary precision with more rays But eventually the “constant radiosity over patch/element” assumption bites 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

13 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
More ways to improve Ray casting is expensive Visibility and all the standard ray-tracing speedups apply Note that test for visibility is like shadow-ray test, so use caching Spatial subdivisions (eg octree) help too We are still assuming constant radiosity across patches, and computing meshes on the fly Allow different basis functions (non constant) Better meshing 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

14 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Return to Assumptions Recall the two fundamental assumptions of the standard radiosity approach: Constant radiosity over each element Perfectly diffuse surfaces We wish to more accurately represent the radiosity at every point: Regardless of the quality of the solution (form factors, subdivision, etc.), if the correct radiosity cannot be represented, it won’t be computed 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

15 Better Radiosity Representations
Two approaches: Work around the constant radiosity assumption by constructing meshes where elements really should have constant (or bilinear) radiosity Use more expressive representations for radiosity (work under different assumptions) 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

16 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Meshing Artifacts Where does poor meshing really show? Find the (many) artifacts in the image 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

17 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Typical Meshing Lays down an orthogonal grid in some orientation May subdivide, but the principle directions remain unchanged Require subdivision down to pixel resolution to remove artifacts 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

18 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Staircase Effect Most evident at shadow boundaries: Elements are dark if they have more than half shadow, light otherwise Solution: Subdivide the mesh to sub-pixel resolution (costly) Blur the boundaries (introduces other problems) Align element boundaries with the shadow boundaries (discontinuity meshing, later) 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

19 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Staircase Effect 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

20 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Light and Shadow Leaks Occur when the mesh does not respect geometric boundaries Interior walls meeting the floor The wall appears to float Shadows leaking out from under objects No reasonable perceptual interpretation – these look worse Solutions: Ensure that there are element boundaries at geometric intersections (hard to do without user help) Discontinuity meshing 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

21 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Shadow Leaks 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

22 Interpolation Artifacts
Have to “fill in” radiosity between vertices, or blur element boundaries Interpolation schemes are frequently poorly implemented, particularly those in hardware Solutions: Meshes that make interpolation easier More expensive interpolation 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

23 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Poor Interpolation 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

24 Preprocessing the Mesh
Seek to remove inconsistencies before starting the solution Ensure invariants are met: Objects are solid Objects don’t intersect This is very hard to do automatically - it should be part of the modeling process But, commercial modelers are generally poor in this regard 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

25 © 2003 University of Wisconsin
Fixing Interpolation Pre-process to remove concave polygons Replace them with triangles - not too hard Enforce subdivision constraints Neighboring patches cannot differ by more than one subdivision level Post-process the remove T-vertices Subdivide mismatched neighbors and interpolate new vertices correctly 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

26 Smoother Interpolants
Bi-linear (hardware accelerated) interpolation uses only vertices of given polygon Build higher order interpolants Must make sure not to use a high-order interpolant across a low order discontinuity Gather to a texture or cloud of points Gather to pixels in the image (slow, but good results) 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

27 Discontinuity Meshing
Identify expected discontinuities and mesh around them Sharp boundaries due to point light sources or object contact Derivative discontinuities due to area sources and multi-object shadows Related to aspect graphs in computer vision Places where the set of visible things changes 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

28 Two Types of Discontinuities
Assume polygonal environment Vertex-Edge events Discontinuities where the plane defined by a vertex and an edge intersects other objects Edge-Edge-Edge Higher order discontinuities at places where three edges appear to meet at a point Produce quadric curves as shadow boundaries, which are hard to mesh Generally ignored 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

29 Meshing With Discontinuities
Construct VE planes Intersect them with surfaces Mesh the resulting edges Constrained triangulation is a difficult problem Mesh must be able to store different radiosity values at one point, because radiosity is different on each side of the edge 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

30 Using Discontinuity Meshes
Very high number of possible discontinuities: O(n6) for n vertices Only find discontinuities due to bright light sources Try to only find visible discontinuities Research topic: Integrate into hierarchical scheme Use discontinuities as splitting planes in hierarchy 02/03/03 © 2003 University of Wisconsin

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