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The Components of an Expository Essay

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Presentation on theme: "The Components of an Expository Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Components of an Expository Essay
In the model (Score Point 8) essays you read today, look for the following components of a good expository essay: 1. Does the essay have a thesis? Is it located in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph? 2.Does the thesis contain a topic and controlling idea? 3. Does the thesis begin with an APPROPRIATE transition word or phrase? 4. Is the introduction interesting enough to get the reader to read on? 5. Does the essay contain two strong supportive body paragraphs that begin with a topic sentence and end with a concluding sentence? 6. Does the essay include proper nouns to make it more believable? 7. Are there additional transitions throughout the essay (between paragraphs, connecting sentences and ideas)? 8. Is the word choice appropriate for an expository essay (does not use personal pronouns, is more formal, etc.) 9. Does the conclusion wrap up the essay with a fresh, new way of presenting the thesis? 10. Is there a transition word or phrase at the beginning of the concluding paragraph?

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