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2 Can you tell what is going on inside these objects JUST by looking at them?

3 Would you have ever guessed this if you had never eaten one before?

4 Why is it important to have section views?
Many industries and professions rely on section views to communicate important and sometimes vital information.

5 The Medical Profession and Health Industry relies on section cuts to communicate what is going on inside the human body.

6 The Automotive, Aviation and Product Industries also rely on section cuts to communicate how things function internally.

7 The Architecture/Engineering Profession relies on section cuts to communicate what is going on inside a structure.

8 Could you guess what was happening inside this building without the section view?

9 Section Views can be a vertical cross-section or
a horizontal floor plan view

10 Section Views can be drawn 2-dimensionally or 3-dimensionally , in black and white or in color.

11 What would you cut through, what would you see beyond?.
What would you see if you cut along these three lines and looked in the direction of the arrows What would you cut through, what would you see beyond?. C A B

12 A C B A B C

13 Note to Instructor – At this point, bring out 3 actual bell peppers, a knife and a paper plate with ink or paint. Cut each of the peppers according to the A, B and C section cut lines shown on Slide 11. Next, dip each of them into the ink or paint. Stamp the pepper onto an overhead projector sheet or onto a poster. Explain that the areas indicated in ink or paint would be represented on a section view drawing as solid or hatched to emphasize what has been cut through. Then, hold up the halves and discuss which interior views would be drawn based on the arrow indicators on the section lines on Slide 11.

14 Note to Instructor – The next four slides are to see if the students can recognize where the section cut line (cutting plane) and arrow indicators should be located based on the plans, elevations and section view shown. Note: Slide 15 is a simple garage plan to ease them into the process. Print out the four slides as handouts (or have them draw with lines directly on this power-point). Students are to draw a line on each of the floor plans through where they believe the section view is cut. Then, they are to draw the arrows to indicate the direction that the section view shows. Remind them to look at doors and window locations to help them.





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