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Unit 1: Elements of Literature and Devices

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1 Unit 1: Elements of Literature and Devices

2 Elements of Literature & Devices
Unit Test NEXT

3 Vocabulary NEXT

4 Irony NEXT

5 Characterization NEXT

6 Point of View NEXT

7 Conflict NEXT

8 Elements of Literature
Vocabulary 5 10 15 20 25 Irony 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 Characterization Point of View 5 10 15 20 25 Conflict 5 10 15 20 25 Team Scores Team One Team Three Team Five Big Points Question Team Two Team Four Team Six

9 The time and place in which a story takes place.
Vocabulary Question for 5 Points The time and place in which a story takes place. Back to Board

10 Vocabulary Question for 10 Points
The beginning of a story. Introduces background information, setting, characters, and conflict. Back to Board

11 The lesson or moral of a story.
Vocabulary Question for 15 Points The lesson or moral of a story. Back to Board

12 The story is brought to a conclusion; all loose ends are tied up.
Vocabulary Question for 20 Points The story is brought to a conclusion; all loose ends are tied up. Back to Board

13 An interruption in the present of a memory set in the past.
Vocabulary Question for 25 Points An interruption in the present of a memory set in the past. Back to Board

14 Irony Question for 5 Points
In the Truman Show, the viewer is aware that Truman is on a television show, but Truman himself only gradually learns of this. Back to Board

15 Irony Question for 10 Points
Mdm. Louisel and her husband spent all of their money to replace a necklace they had lost, only to find out that the necklace they lost was fake. Back to Board

16 Irony Question for 15 Points
. The beautiful wife wants to buy her husband a watch chain for Christmas because his father gave him a pocket watch. They are a poor family, so she offers her long beautiful blond hair in trade. She gets the chain and takes it home to her husband, only to find out that he sold the watch to buy her a silver hair brush. Back to Board

17 Irony Question for 20 Points
John broke his leg at the last varsity baseball game of the season. When asked how he felt by his coach. Jon replied, “I’m thrilled to be spending all summer in a cast.” Back to Board

18 Irony Question for 25 Points
Alice is engaged to Bob. Bob has made plans to elope with Carole. Alice is unaware of this. Alice goes shopping with her best friend and is signing over the wedding rings in the jeweler’s shop, while the reader sees that Bob is on his way to the airport to meet Carole. Back to Board

19 A character who is complex and fully developed.
Characterization Question for 5 Points A character who is complex and fully developed. Back to Board

20 She wore a ten carat diamond necklace everywhere she went.
Characterization Question for 10 Points She wore a ten carat diamond necklace everywhere she went. Back to Board

21 Is Mdm. Loisel a dynamic character or static character, explain.
Characterization Question for 15 Points Is Mdm. Loisel a dynamic character or static character, explain. Back to Board

22 Characterization Question for 20 Points
Learning about a character through his speech and actions or thoughts and feelings. Back to Board

23 Characterization Question for 25 Points
From one of the stories we’ve read, give one example of a round character and one example of a flat character. Back to Board

24 Point of View Question for 5 Points
A point of view where the narrator tells the story to another character using the words, “you, you’re, your.” Back to Board

25 Point of View Question for 10 Points A point of view where the story is narrated by one character at a time. Back to Board

26 Point of View Question for 15 Points
Terry told the car mechanic, “You know I needed that car for the weekend. How long does it take you guys to fix a Porshe anyway? Back to Board

27 Point of View Question for 20 Points
Tomorrow, I have to start getting organized. My room is a mess, I have a project due on Friday and cheerleading practice every night. Back to Board

28 Point of View Question for 25 Points
Jessie had felt sad all day. Jessie thought and thought about his situation and he thought to himself. I need to get myself together. Next thing you know, Maria came in the door and asked what was wrong. He told her. Maria frowned. She felt as if she were being abandoned by everyone. Back to Board

29 Conflict Question for 5 Points
Sarah couldn’t decide what to do that night. Should she study or should she go out? Back to Board

30 Jim and Mac disagreed about where they should take the dog they found.
Conflict Question for 10 Points Jim and Mac disagreed about where they should take the dog they found. Back to Board

31 Conflict Question for 15 Points
An external struggle between a character and a social force or condition such as poverty, political revolution, or a set of values. Back to Board

32 Conflict Question for 20 Points In high winds, the crew was barely able to keep the ship from titling sideways. Back to Board

33 Conflict Question for 25 Points Lyle's cousin Ted works at a packing plant. After Lyle asked Ted to get him a job there several times, Ted went out of his way and got Lyle hired. Tomorrow was Lyle's first day. Lyle stayed up late that night hanging out with friends. Consequently, he slept in and arrived at the packing plant an hour late. During his training, Lyle was yawning and almost fell asleep on the line. Ted shook his head in disgust. Back to Board

34 The "Big Points" Question Show Question

35 What is the climax of the following stories: The Most Dangerous Game
25 10 9 11 12 14 13 8 7 3 2 4 5 15 6 1 17 26 24 27 28 30 29 16 23 18 22 19 20 21 What is the climax of the following stories: Full Circle The Necklace The Most Dangerous Game The Gift of the Magi Back to Board

36 Big Board Facts
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