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Islamic University Nursing College

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1 Islamic University Nursing College
Post Mature Infants Islamic University Nursing College

2 Definition Infants born after completed 42 weeks gestation, calculated from the last menstrual period. ( 294 days) After 42 weeks gestation infant considered as post mature regardless of infants weight. Incidence: 12% of all births.

3 Etiology Exact cause unknown. Predisposing factors: Primigravida.
High parity. History of previous prolonged pregnancies.

4 Altered Physiology Post mature may suffered from:
Intrauterine malnutrition. Hypoxia. Placental dysfunction. The longer gestation the more sever problem.

5 Clinical Manifestations
Wasted physical appearance. Little subcutaneous fat. Long thin appearance. Long fingernails and toenails. Minimum vernix caseosa. Abundant scalp hair. Skin frequently cracked & desquamating parchment like pale skin. Absence of lanugo hair.

6 Diagnostic evaluation
General appearance. Gestational age. APGAR score. Blood gases. Complications: Meconium aspiration. Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia & polycythemia. Pulmonary hemorrhage, pneumonia & pneumthorax.

7 Complications Meconium aspiration. Hypoglycemia. Hypocalcaemia.
Polycythemia. Pulmonary hemorrhage. Pneumonia. Pneumothorax.

8 Normal value of blood gases
Venous Arterial pH 28-48 mm Hg mm Hg PaO2 19 to 25 22 to 26 HCO3 38-52 mmHg 35-45 mmHg PaCO2

9 Thank You

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