Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

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1 Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
CSCI Research Methods Instructor: Dr. Joseph Giarrantano Presented by Karthik Sadasivam Date: 9/7/2004 12/2/2018

2 Purpose of the research
To develop a new secure and efficient routing protocol ARIADNE for ad-hoc networks based upon an existing non-secure routing protocol To develop a model for the types of attacks possible in an ad-hoc network A simulation study and evaluation of the performance of the routing protocol A comparison of the performance with an existing routing protocol DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) A security analysis of ARIADNE using the developed model 12/2/2018

3 Background of Research
Prior research in ad hoc networking has generally studied the routing problem in a non-adversarial setting, assuming a trusted environment The ad hoc network routing protocols can be broadly classified as on-demand and proactive routing protocols The current on-demand routing protocols have been developed only for trusted environments 12/2/2018

4 Methods Initially a model for the types of attacks on an ad-hoc network is built The routing protocol is designed based on this attack model using symmetric key cryptography A simulation based performance evaluation is done based on ns-2 The routing protocol’s performance is compared with an on demand routing protocol DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) A security analysis is done for the new routing protocol 12/2/2018

5 Results of Research Secure routing - A new paradigm in routing protocols for ad hoc networks A broad classification of the several types of attacks that are possible in ad hoc networks The new routing protocol is both secure and efficient since it relies on symmetric key cryptography 12/2/2018

6 Conclusions Ariadne combines both security and efficiency
The research also gives a broad classification of the several types of attacks that are possible in an ad hoc network Types of attacks possible How the attack might disrupt the routing Future research aims at designing more secure routing protocols which have better performance metrics 12/2/2018

7 Bibiliography Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, David B. Johnson. “Ariadne:: a secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks”, Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, September 2002 Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, David B. Johnson. “Secure routing: Rushing attacks and defense in wireless ad hoc network routing protocols”, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Wireless security, September 2003 Srdjan Capkun, Jean-Pierre Hubaux. “Secure routing: BISS: building secure routing out of an incomplete set of security associations”, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Wireless security, September 2003 12/2/2018

8 Thank you! Any Questions? 12/2/2018

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